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Food fiber for reducing blood pressure, reducing sugar, preventing cancer and detoxifying

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   In our daily life, we talk about many topics related to health, such as blood pressure lowering, blood sugar reduction, anti-cancer, detoxification, beauty, constipation, etc., will be related to dietary fiber, and dietary fiber is also one of the nutrients in people’s lives. One, but to really let it play its best role, because food fiber is classified, each role is still different, take this to talk about!

   Food fiber is a type of enzyme that cannot be digested by the human body Decomposed polysaccharides are generally divided into two kinds of water-soluble fibers and insoluble fibers. Pectin in fruits, glucomannan in konjac, and alginic acid in seaweed are all water-soluble dietary fiber; cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose, and chitin in shrimp and crab shells are all insoluble Insoluble food fiber in water.

   Different kinds of dietary fiber have different physiological effects. Among water-soluble fibers, pectin, which is abundant in fruits and vegetables, can suppress cholesterol accumulation, pectin in barley can lower blood sugar, and alginic acid, the viscous component of kelp, can lower blood pressure.

  Insoluble dietary fiber can absorb a lot of water and bloating, therefore, it can increase the amount of intestinal feces, promote fecal excretion, prevent constipation; make human wastes and harmful substances quickly pass through the intestine, detoxify and beauty, prevent the large intestine cancer. Studies have shown that insoluble dietary fiber can also excrete the environmental hormone dioxins.

   has reported in Japan that in the past, the daily dietary fiber intake per person in Japan exceeded 20g, but in recent years it has gradually decreased to below 15g. Lack of dietary fiber not only causes constipation, but also becomes one of the causes of lifestyle-related diseases.

  In addition, foods with a lot of dietary fiber are salty and hard, which can increase the number of chewing. This can not only promote the development of children''s teeth and upper and lower jaws, but also stimulate the brain of the elderly to obtain the effect of preventing dementia.

  It should be noted that it is best to supplement food fiber with natural foods. Simply eating processed foods with added dietary fiber can easily cause excessive intake. Excessive food fiber often causes some paper money and inorganic salts to be excreted with the waste, resulting in a lack of micronutrients and even diarrhea.

  The daily requirement of dietary fiber is 20-25g for adults. But it is difficult to master the right amount. The simpler method is to judge whether you can defecate on time and smoothly every morning.

  The type and source of action of food fiber are described in detail below.

  Water-soluble dietary fiber (pectin, pectin, glucomannan, alginic acid): becomes very viscous in the stomach, and can enter the gastrointestinal tract and absorb waste together with the body ( Inhibit cholesterol: pectic acid; lower blood sugar: colloid; stabilize blood pressure: alginic acid). Main sources: apples, oranges, kiwi, raisins, agar, kelp, tomatoes, okra, barley, konjac, etc.

  Insoluble dietary fiber (chitin, lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose): mainly swells with water, increases the amount of feces in the intestine, stimulates the intestinal wall, and absorbs wastes to be excreted together (preventing constipation) , Prevent colorectal cancer, exclude dioxin and other harmful substances). Main sources: brown rice (rice sugar), sweet potatoes, celery, spinach, shiitake mushrooms, burdock, garlic, leek, cabbage, barley, radish, shrimp and crab shells.

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