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Small talk

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   Speaking of Xiaohan, Xiaohan''s "cold" means cold, and also tells people that the cold season of the year has come. At this time, the cold air is cold for a long time, but it has not reached the coldest level in a year, so it is called Xiaohan. Xiaohan corresponds to the summer heat and is called "Xiaohan". As can be seen in the meteorological records, Xiaohan is colder than the big cold, which is the coldest solar term in the whole year. There is a saying in the folks that "Coldness is in Three Nine", and this "Three Nine" is in Xiaohan. In short, the word "cold"!

   If it is cold, it must be protected from cold, and the diet must be adjusted to enhance the ability to resist cold. Xiaohan recommends two practical soup dishes!

  The first lamb meatball (block) sea cucumber soup

   Ingredients: 25 grams of prepared sea cucumber, lamb (stuffing) 150 Gram, onion, ginger 10 grams each, salt 2 grams

  Making method: add scallion minced ginger into the mutton filling pellets, and put it in the pot with the pellets in warm water, the water temperature gradually increases , Put the sliced sea cucumber slices until boiling, add salt after boiling.

  Efficacy: Sea participation in mutton dishes can be a powerful combination of raw materials that nourish the liver and kidney, replenish qi and blood, warm the spleen and stomach, and highlight excellent functions.

   is suitable for: spermatorrhea of liver and kidney yin, premature ejaculation, impotence, liver and blood deficiency, spleen and stomach yang deficiency, frailty.

  Second course: Mutton wolfberry pot

  Materials: 250 grams of lamb, 10 grams of wolfberry, 10 grams of green onion and ginger, 2 grams of salt, seasoned with pepper

< p>  Production method: Wash the lamb and cut into pieces, put in the casserole, put the onion segment ginger slices, wolfberry, then put in cold water, a small amount of salt, heat to boiling, change the heat to cook for 20-30 minutes, add the remaining salt Season with pepper.

  Efficacy: Bushen Qi, Zhuang Yuan Yang.

  Applicable to: kidney deficiency strain, impotence caused by decay of yang qi, lumbar spine pain, dizziness and tinnitus, hearing loss, frequent urination, and enuresis.

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