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Is the trans fatty acid content really "0"?

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-11

  "Some foods, although the ingredients indicate that the above-mentioned fats and nutrients are clearly indicated, the table shows that the content of trans fatty acids is "0". What is going on? According to the original regulations, when a food contains trans fatty acids When the content is less than 0.3%, it can be marked as "0".

  Through comprehensive and thorough scientific research and analysis, the US FDA announced that the US will ban food manufacturers from using partial hydrogenation in products after three years. Oil. Americans stop artificial trans fats, and our residents do not have enough knowledge about the dangers of trans fats.

  The dangers of trans fatty acids

  Excessive intake of trans fats Fatty acids can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease because it increases blood cholesterol levels, especially "low density lipoprotein cholesterol" (LDL-C, or "bad" cholesterol); trans fatty acids can interfere with essential fatty acid metabolism , May affect children’s growth and development and the health of the nervous system. According to the US Resident Dietary Guidelines 2010, the fewer trans fatty acids, the better.

  Sources of trans fatty acids:

  hydrogenated vegetable oil, Shortening, margarine, refined vegetable oil, etc. These fats are mainly used in processed foods such as biscuits, bread, cakes, shortbread, french fries, potato chips, snacks, etc.

  In the list of ingredients in the processed food label Among them, hydrogenated vegetable oil is often written as hydrogenated vegetable oil, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, hydrogenated palm oil, hydrogenated soybean oil, vegetable shortening, margarine, etc. If these ingredients are in the ingredients list of a product, then follow the "General Principles of Nutrition Labeling for Prepackaged Foods" According to the regulations, the product must be marked with trans fatty acid content in the nutrient composition table of the food label.

  Is the content "0" harmless?

  "Some foods, although The ingredients show that the label clearly contains the above-mentioned nutrient ingredients, but the table shows that the content of trans fatty acids is "0". What is going on?

  Originally according to the "General Rules for Labeling of Pre-packaged Foods GB 7718" -2011" requirements, when the content of trans fatty acids in a food is less than 0.3%, it can be marked as "0". In other words, there are still trans fatty acids in these foods, but the content is very low, which can be ignored by law. But the zero content of trans fatty acids does not mean that these foods are healthy.

  DIY a natural recipe

   refreshing vegetable salad

   Ingredients: cherry tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, onion, yogurt, crushed nuts, a small amount of salt


  Practice: After washing all kinds of vegetables and controlling water, cut into small pieces, put in yogurt and appropriate amount of salt, mix well and sprinkle with nuts.

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