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Fall health again talk about "paste"

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-12

   I wrote a blog post a few days ago and talked about the "honey cream" that is common in autumn health care. Netizens Siamese cats ask questions about honey heating, good question! From the perspective of nutrition knowledge, honey heating will make honey Effective biological enzymes are inactivated, and vitamins in honey are destroyed and lost. It is a modern disclosure that people can maximize the nutrients and their effects of honey. The honey cream mentioned in my blog post, the honey at this time is used as a thickener and dehydrating agent in the traditional ointment processing. At this time, the emphasis is on the "paste" type and preservation method, and the nutritional ingredients are omitted. . Therefore, the commonly used materials used in the traditional Chinese medicine processing technology "paste" also have different titles, such as honey paste, sugar paste, raw juice paste.

   is now autumn, autumn is a rich season, collecting the convenience of Qiu Shi’s food and diet, let’s talk about "Original Juice".

  Original juice cream is naturally inseparable from food quality juice, that is, we squeeze the juice from the selected food ingredients, and boil it without adding honey and sugar. For example, the traditional four-juice ointment: Sydney, fresh lotus root, sugar cane, mint leaves, etc., pound the juice into the pot, and simmer the ointment. Frequent service can clear phlegm and reduce fire, lower qi to stop bleeding.

  Every autumn, people will think of the autumn cream, autumn pear cream, honey refining loquat cream..., which are directly related to "honey cream", and my old patient also called to ask for honey. For the relevant knowledge of ointment, write a blog post to answer, and introduce the method of self-made ointment of lotus root and pear, which is abundant in autumn, for exchange.

   honey ointment, also known as ointment, is a thick ointment made from fresh fruit juice and medicinal juice after decoction and concentration, and then added with honey. Honey ointment has the effect of nourishing and moisturizing, and the "ointment" is born. Honey cream is very convenient to take. It can be measured with a spoon every time, and it can be eaten directly or washed with hot water.

  Lotus honey ointment is recorded in the medical book: 4 parts each of lotus root juice and honey, 1 part of raw ground juice, and evenly, slowly boiled into a paste, half a spoon per serving, with oral use from time to time, treatment Deficiency of heat and thirst, dry stools, constipation pain.

  Pear paste is recorded in "The Secret of Food Constitution": 500 grams of pear juice and 200 grams of honey. Method: Wash the pears first, pour out the natural juice, put it in the pot, boil it with a small fire, then pour honey and boil it into a paste, put it in a container. One tablespoon at a time can be taken or contained, which has the effects of rejuvenating lungs, clearing heat and removing phlegm.

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