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Summer food health

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

  My friend asked what foods to eat in summer? For this purpose, I would like to talk about it from two aspects:

  One. Xia Yi Qing Bu

   said For the dietary supplements, the total dietary calories are generally required to be slightly lower, and the composition of dietary nutrients is two high and two low (protein content should be slightly higher, dietary fiber content should be higher, fat and sugar content should be slightly lower), to light food , Primarily.

   Rice and soft foods (also called semi-liquid diets such as porridge, noodles, steamed buns, cakes, bread, wontons, dumplings, cold noodles, steamed) made with rice and wheat flour as the main ingredients should be used as the main food Dumplings, etc.), and various soups, soups, pastes, etc.

  Meat, sour (or Ganping) meat, poultry, eggs, aquatic products, vegetables, melons and fruits should be used for non-staple foods. , Milk honey and other foods, sour and sweet condiments should be used. At the same time, you can also add a little bitter bitter gourd. Food cooking mostly uses cold, fried, steamed, boiled, stewed, braised, and moderately ingest salt.

  Sour foods include cold loquat, mango, pear, tomato, etc., green plum, grape, plum, forest poultry, lemon, peach, olive, pineapple, etc. Hawthorn, bayberry, ebony, apricot, vinegar, etc.

  II. Remove heat and dampness in summer, clear heat and detoxify

  Summer food health, the second point to pay attention to is to remove heat and dampness, clear heat and detoxify .

  Common foods for removing heat and dampness, clearing away heat and detoxifying: Soybeans, mung beans, shepherd''s purse, needles, winter melons, winter melon seeds, with a sweet taste, can strengthen the spleen and dampness, osmosis and dampness, dispel heat Wet; lotus leaf, bullfrog meat, tea juice, watermelon, winter melon, winter melon seeds, loofah, cucumber, melon, sorghum, celery, amaranth, water chestnut, sugar cane, Malan head, etc. are sweet or flat foods with sexual taste, which can clear heat or detoxify or Remove heat and heat. Chrysanthemum, bitter gourd, banana, water chestnut, raw radish, eggplant, etc. also have the effect of clearing heat, green vegetables, celery, needles, garland chrysanthemum, wild rice, bamboo shoots, cabbage, water chestnut, etc. also have the effect of clearing heat and dampness. Spleen and dampness foods also include broad beans, red beans, herring, crucian carp, silver carp, and flat fish.

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