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Mother's diet

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

   I received a phone call from a mother saying that there are good food treatment methods to help weaning. In fact, we often do not want to breastfeed after delivery. Through the use of drugs or dietary treatment, the milk secretion of the parturient is terminated, which is called back milk. Breast pain often occurs when breasts are returned, and breast milk does not return. Diet can be used to relieve symptoms and gradually reduce the number of breastfeeding. Milk will gradually decrease and stop secretion.

   In the diet: 1. Eat as little food as possible during weaning; 2. Among the edible vegetables, avoid lettuce, daylily, loofah, shiitake mushrooms and other milk-feeding and milk-feeding foods; 3. Don''t eat foods that are prone to milk and milk-feeding, such as crucian carp, octopus, black fish, shrimp, pig Hoof, squid, abalone, etc.; 4. During the period of returning to milk, you can eat more hawthorn, etc., because the milk of the woman is converted by Chong Ren Qi and blood, the upper is the milk, and the lower is the menstrual water. Naturally it will decrease and gradually stop secretion; 5. Drinking and brewing should be avoided during weaning to prevent it from milking and affecting milk return.

  Recommend several dietary recipes

   [internal method]

   1. Malt, hawthorn, Divine Comedy 30 grams each, water Decoction tea, 1 dose per day, use until the menstrual milk back to stop serving.

   2. 60 grams of raw malt, decoction, divided into 3 servings, continuous use for 3-5 days, use until Breast back stop service.

   3. 60 grams of wheat bran, stir-fry yellow, add brown sugar and stir-fry, serve while hot, 1 dose per day. Use until breastfeeding.

   [External Method]

  2 raw cakes, applied to both breasts to expose nipples, once a day. It is suitable for breast regurgitation and breast tenderness.

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