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Anyone who can drink water can eat watermelon
Anyone who can drink water can eat watermelon
Now is the time when watermelons are on the market, and they are delicious and cheap! My family''s habit is to eat half a watermelon almost every day. And most of the time I bought
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07
Beware of sub-filled olive oil
Beware of sub-filled olive oil
Olive oil is extracted from fresh or ripe olive oil by cold pressing process. Olive oil has oleic acid as its main component and its content is as high as 60%. Oleic acid is a monounsaturat
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07
What is the harm of iced watermelon
What is the harm of iced watermelon
Today, the host of the TV station asked me to do an interview. The topic is What are the disadvantages of eating iced water (that is, cold storage in the refrigerator)?
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07
Why can't fungus lower blood fat
Why can't fungus lower blood fat
fungus helps to lower blood fat and blood viscosity, which is almost "well known", but contrary to expectations, I have seen many people who eat fungus fungus high blood fat (Sorry
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07
Not only to manage sugar, but also to manage "sweet"
Not only to manage sugar, but also to manage "sweet"
Although China is the fourth largest producer of sugar (after Brazil, India, and the EU) and the fifth largest consumer (after India, the EU, Brazil, and the United States), in terms of pe
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07
Diet nutrition therapy for bloating
Diet nutrition therapy for bloating
The common cause of abdominal flatulence (bloating) is gastrointestinal gas, which mainly includes flatulence, bowel movements, belching, excessive exhaust, and even abdominal pain, chest p
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07