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Why can't fungus lower blood fat

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

   fungus helps to lower blood fat and blood viscosity, which is almost "well known", but contrary to expectations, I have seen many people who eat fungus fungus high blood fat (Sorry, I have not seen-of course, this is not true No-who only reduces blood lipids by eating fungus). In today''s lecture, a student happened to ask this question again: a friend with high blood lipids had eaten fungus for 2 years, almost every day, but the blood lipids did not decrease at all.

  I understand the situation of his friends. Middle-aged men have more entertainment and have a waist circumference close to 100cm. The waist circumference has increased over the past two years. It is a typical central obesity (abdominal obesity), which is fat A lot of accumulation in the abdomen. Because the abdomen has important organs such as liver and kidney, it is not difficult to understand that abdominal obesity is very harmful to health. Studies have shown that abdominal obesity is extremely closely related to chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome and hyperlipidemia.

  Many people do not understand that to solve nutrition problems (such as dietary treatment of hyperlipidemia), we cannot simply rely on a single food, but should start with the diet structure-that is, pay attention to the combination of various foods and three The proportion of large nutrients, such as high blood fat should stick to a low-fat diet. If you do not change the diet structure, the wine and meat are extraordinary, as always, you are entertained in the restaurant and only rely on eating fungus every day (or any other food that is said to reduce blood fats, such as mushrooms, kelp, etc., mountain shiitake, konjac, onion, garlic, soy products, etc.) , It is impossible to lower blood lipids.

   More people don’t know that it’s not enough to pay attention to diet and nutrition. It’s not enough to just look at food, but also depends on our body, such as weight! It is meaningless to leave nutrition to talk about nutrition. Obesity and hyperlipidemia are closely related. If you don’t lose weight, it is impossible to reduce blood lipids by eating fungus; if you don’t lose weight, it means that his diet structure is very bad; if you don’t lose weight, even if you take lipid-lowering drugs (such as statins), it may be difficult to work together, let alone What fungus. Conversely, if he changes the diet structure, loses weight and lowers his waist circumference, even if he does not eat fungus (or other so-called lipid-lowering foods), he can also lower blood lipids.

   In short, the reason why this person can''t lower blood fat after eating fungus for 2 years is: First, he didn''t change the diet structure, he didn''t insist on low-fat diet; Second, he didn''t lose weight (abdominal obesity).

  I want to use the question: the role of a single food is often unreliable, if you do not change the diet structure!

  The following are the basic principles of high-fat diet therapy (adjusting the diet structure) (Required), many terms, for your reference:

   1. Limit total calories, exercise more to lose weight

   2. Appropriate amount of protein (about 15%)

  3. Low-fat diet (< 20%-25%)

  ①Reduce saturated fatty acids(<7%)

  ②Low cholesterol (200mg/d (Below)

  ③Control polyunsaturated fatty acids (8%-10%)

  ④Increase monounsaturated fatty acids (12%-14%)

  ⑤ Increase ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (α-linolenic acid, DHA+EPA), additional supplements may be considered

  ⑥Reducing trans fatty acids (<1%)

  ⑦ Lecithin

   4. Control carbohydrates (55%~65%), eat less sweets and sugar.

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