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"Water can be a boat or a boat"
"Water can be a boat or a boat"
There are many people in ancient and modern China and abroad who drink alcohol for pleasure, especially during the New Year holidays, it is inevitable to get drunk because of greed. Many p
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08
On the second day of February, the dragon looks up and wants to eat fried soybeans.
On the second day of February, the dragon looks up and wants to eat fried soybeans.
The second day of the second lunar month in our country is commonly known as "Dragon Head Up". There is a folk custom to eat fried soybeans. In fact, eating more fried soybeans will
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08
What are the advantages of fruits
What are the advantages of fruits
The nutritional characteristics and health effects of fruits are similar to vegetables, mainly providing vitamin C, beta carotene, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber a
BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08
What to eat and what not to eat (1)
What to eat and what not to eat (1)
1. Eat before meals? Eat after mealsWhen is it good to eat fruits? This problem has always plagued many people. Some people say that they eat well after a meal, others s
BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08
What to eat and what not to eat (3)
What to eat and what not to eat (3)
If you really don’t want to discard them all, you can roughly follow the principle: when the spoiled part does not exceed 1/3 of the whole fruit, you should remove 1/2 and eat it; when the
BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08
Seven treasures of soybean food
Seven treasures of soybean food
Soybeans include soybeans, black beans and green beans, the most common being soybeans. Soy products are one of the traditional foods of Chinese residents. Because of their good nutrition,
BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08