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"Water can be a boat or a boat"

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   There are many people in ancient and modern China and abroad who drink alcohol for pleasure, especially during the New Year holidays, it is inevitable to get drunk because of greed. Many people use wine to relieve their sorrows, and eventually worry more. After the wine enters the human body, the ethanol in it becomes acetaldehyde under the action of alcohol dehydrogenase. If acetaldehyde cannot be decomposed and accumulated in time, it will cause alcohol intoxication and show drunkenness. After drunk, you will feel headache and vomiting. In the past ten years, the wine style is very good. If you drink low-alcohol but not a large amount, if the beer quality is selected, it can play the functions of strengthening the spleen, clearing heat, diuretic, eliminating fatigue and invigorating.

  Chinese medicine believes that the appropriate amount of folk rice wine can play a role in promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and clearing the veins. If you drink a lot of alcohol for a long time, it will hurt you a lot. According to statistics: drinking 4 bottles of beer or more than 150 grams of white wine (containing about 125 milliliters of pure alcohol) daily can cause alcoholic heart disease for 10 consecutive years, and even have liver and brain alcoholism, which is endless. People who are drunk like alcohol are sometimes called "Jiuxian". In the long run, alcohol can degrade the liver, alcoholic cirrhosis, and people with a history of hepatitis are more inappropriate to drink alcohol. It is more likely to develop liver cirrhosis, which eventually leads to portal hypertension, esophageal varices rupture and hemorrhage. And lethal. When the human body is drinking alcohol, when the alcohol concentration in the blood is as high as 20% to 40% milligrams, there is excitement and continuous speech. As the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, a "drunk state" gradually appears. When the concentration reaches 200% to 400% mg, it enters the lethargic period, and finally dies due to medulla oblongata suppression and respiratory paralysis. It is not advisable to take sleeping pills after drinking, because both sleeping pills and alcoholism strengthen the life-inhibiting center (medulla oblongata), causing danger or death. For example, the world-famous comedy master Chaplin took sleeping pills on the night of the banquet on December 24, 1977; and the famous Japanese writer Kazuko Gizo died in a villa on August 30, 1984, because of alcohol and sleeping pills. Caused by Wu. Advise everyone that alcohol should not be excessive, it is best not to addicted or drink alcohol. In order to help the early wake-up of alcohol, the folk hangover prescription is introduced as follows:

  (1) Vinegar and white sugar koji recipe

  [Composition] 60 ml of vinegar and 20 g of white sugar

  [Production method] Add a small amount of boiling water to the above two flavors, mix well, and serve.

  [Functions and scope of application] Digestion, detoxification, and replenishment. Suitable for hangover in the early stages of drunkenness.

   Remarks: Vinegar should be selected from vinegar, which has a sweet and sour taste and a smooth nature, can digest appetite, disperse blood stasis and detoxify, converge and stop diarrhea. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Xiaqi Xiaoshi, appetizing gas". Ingredients include acetic acid (acetic acid), succinic acid, citric acid, sorbic acid, vitamins B1, B2 and niacin, higher alcohols, 3-hydroxybutyric acid, dihydroxypropionic acid, acetaldehyde, etc. There are rice vinegar, wheat vinegar, and jujube vinegar in the folk. Rice vinegar is the best product. The folk has proved that the vinegar has a sobering function.

  (2) Vinegar and brown sugar ginger sober recipe

  [Composition] 60 ml of vinegar, 20 g of brown sugar, 6 g of ginger

  [Production method] above Add the right amount of three flavors, and eat them after frying.

  [Function and scope of application] Convergence and detoxification, relieve vomiting and relieve urgency. Suitable for drunken people, it has the effect of sobering up.

   Remarks: Brown sugar is warm, white sugar is flat, tonicity, and blood stasis. Ginger warms the lungs and relieves cough, while warming stops vomiting. According to "Compendium of Materia Medica", it contains "Ginger Brown Sugar Soup (250 grams of ginger juice, melted with brown sugar and 150 grams of simmering sugar, half a tablespoon at a time, served with warm water) to treat lung cold and cough, vomiting and eating less, lung and stomach Disagree. Adding vinegar to this side can treat drunkenness.

  (3) Recipe of pickled Chinese cabbage with vinegar

  [Composition] Appropriate amount of Chinese cabbage, appropriate amount of vinegar and sugar

  [Production method] Wash the Chinese cabbage, cut into filaments, add vinegar and sugar, mix well and pickle for about 10 minutes to eat, sour and refreshing, hangover effect.

< p>  [Function and scope of application] Clearing away heat and eliminating annoyance, detoxifying and detoxifying. When used for drunken people, it has the function of hangover.

   Remarks: Chinese cabbage is also known as Chinese cabbage, yellow bud white. , Slightly cold. It is beneficial to the stomach and tonic, clearing heat and removing troubles, urinating and intestinal effects. Ganneng benefits the stomach, lightly permeable, and slightly cold has the effect of clearing heat, it is a cool and diarrhea and tonic product, and then added sugar The vinegar has two flavors, which is good for the stomach when there is less heat in the stomach and the hangover is better for hangover.

  (4)Fresh orange peel salt recipe

  [Composition] Fresh Appropriate amount of orange peel, a little fine salt

  [Production method] Fresh orange peel boiled water, add a little fine salt and mix thoroughly to drink.

  [Function and adaptation range] Shengjin quenches thirst , Hewei Runfei, hangover and middle. Suitable for drunken people to hangover.

   Remarks: Orange peel tastes sweet and sour. Fuju contains hesperidin, citric acid and reducing sugar. Shengjin quenches thirst, aids digestion, and moisturizes the stomach and lungs. It can treat stomach yin deficiency, thirst in the mouth, indigestion, excessive drinking, vomiting, and small food embolism. The salty salty taste is flat, which can benefit the stomach and moisturize, seasoning and medium , Helps orange peel to regulate qi, relieve pain and relieve urgency, so it can sober up.

  (5) Grapefruit juice hangover recipe

   [Composition] 1 grapefruit, 5 pieces of ginger

  [Production method] First peel off the grapefruit petals, then twist the juice, take the ginger juice, drip it into the grapefruit juice and drink it.

  [Function and application range] Shengjin and stomach 3. Anti-vomiting and hangover. Suitable for drunken people.

   Remarks: Yuzu, its variants are Wendan pomelo, Shatian pomelo, Pingshan pomelo, etc. It is sweet and acidic, cool in nature. It relieves thirst and helps digestion, And stomach. Contains glucose, sucrose, fructose, protein, fat, vitamins, citric acid, calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients. It is reported that grapefruit juice contains insulin-like ingredients, so it can lower blood sugar. It can treat stomach irritability and nausea Vomiting, dyspepsia, insufficiency of stomach yin, upset thirst, excessive drinking, etc. This product plus ginger warms the stomach to stop vomiting and strengthens the power of sobering up.

  (5)Suanjiao cream (《 Yunnan Nanbencao")

  [Composition] 250 grams of tart, 250 grams of white sugar

  [Production method] First, take the juice of tangerine decoction, concentrate, add equal amount of white sugar and mix well , Boil and wait for cold standby. 1 tablespoon each time, boiling water hydration service, if drunk can use 3 tablespoons boiling water hydration service.

  [Function and Adaptation Range] Digestion Accumulate and regenerate thirst. It is suitable for those who suffer from heat and heat, thirst and thirst, loss of appetite, and excessive drinking.

   Remarks: The tamarind is the fruit of the bean plant of the leguminous plant, also known as sour dumplings, tamarind, nine-layer peel fruit, Luo Huangzi and so on. It is sweet and sour, and cool in nature, so it can produce thirst to quench thirst, clear heat and relieve heat, and hangover for drunken people. It contains sugar, tartaric acid, citric acid, malic acid, formic acid and other organic substances. Because it contains a large amount of tartaric acid, it has a laxative effect, but this effect disappears after being cooked. According to the record of "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": the combination of acid horn and sugar can benefit the stomach and promote body digestion, aid digestion, used for excessive drinking, upset thirst, nausea and less food.

  (7) Pear cream sobering recipe

  [Composition] 2000g fresh pears, 3000g honey

  [Production method] Wash the pears, mince and smash them, wring out the juice (or fry the juice), simmer until thick, add honey, mix and simmer on low heat, boil until cold and serve. Each time 1-2 tablespoons, or 3-4 tablespoons, take warm water.

  [Function and scope of application] Clears heat, nourishes phlegm, relieves alcohol and poison. Applicable to excessive drinking, upset thirst, nausea, diarrhoea, hot cough, dry stool embolism.

   Remarks: Pears are also known as close father, fast fruit, fruit sect, sweet and cool. Indications of fever and injury, thirst, thirst, cough with phlegm, excessive drinking. Raw food, cooked food, ground juice, decoction, and boiled cream are all acceptable. If there is no pear cream temporarily, you can sober up with fresh pear ground juice or raw chew.

  Various fruits, especially pears, tomatoes, apples, etc., can be sobered up when eaten. If you eat these fruits, it is not easy to get drunk because of the alcohol, but it is not easy to wake up after drunk, so you don’t have to eat fruits first After drinking.

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