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The taste and health culture of sturgeon
The taste and health culture of sturgeon
In ancient times, sturgeon was already a favorite food of the ancients. In Lu Ji''s "Book of Songs·Weifeng·Shuren", he said: "The sturgeon (sturgeon). For frying, fish
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02
How to make the wound recover faster?
How to make the wound recover faster?
has been in charge of clinical nutrition catering for more than ten years in the hospital, and has dealt with countless patients. Many of them are patients in the recovery period after sur
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02
Which essential amino acids can promote wound healing
Which essential amino acids can promote wound healing
During the illness, the patient’s psychological factors and disease state will affect the appetite and digestive juice secretion, which is related to the absorption of nutrients in the diet
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02
Some hidden dangers of pickled food
Some hidden dangers of pickled food
Many salt will be added during the processing of pickled foods to make the food antiseptic better. But this kind of food will produce a lot of harmful substances such as nitrite and nitrite
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02
Pickled foods and vitamin C, who exactly loves who?
Pickled foods and vitamin C, who exactly loves who?
In our daily life, pickled food is also a good thing for many people. Its unique deliciousness attracts many people, but we also know that eating too much pickled food is harmful to our bod
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02
What to eat to nourish qi and nourish blood in autumn
What to eat to nourish qi and nourish blood in autumn
Autumn is the season for the adjustment of our digestive system function. During this period, everyone’s appetite has increased, and we have changed the light diet in summer. I hope to eat
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02