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Pickled foods and vitamin C, who exactly loves who?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  In our daily life, pickled food is also a good thing for many people. Its unique deliciousness attracts many people, but we also know that eating too much pickled food is harmful to our body. The ammonia nitrite contained is a carcinogen, so how should we eat preserved foods to be healthy and nutritious?

  Boiling can cause some nitrite to be lost with water. We are best used when cooking pickled foods such as sauerkraut, bacon, sausage, salted fish, etc. Boil these ingredients for a while. Because nitrite is easily soluble in water, it will effectively reduce the unhealthy factors it produces. And try to avoid the use of fried, fried, grilled and other cooking methods to prepare preserved food.

In addition, vitamin C can reduce nitrite to form nitric oxide, reduce the concentration of nitrate ions, block the nitrosation of amine, that is, prevent the formation of carcinogen nitrosamines. Vitamin E, vitamin A, allicin can resist the synthesis of nitrosamines. While eating pickled food, you can eat more garlic or tea, kiwi, sea buckthorn juice, orange juice and other beverages or food.

Finally, don’t forget to tell everyone: It’s best not to drink alcohol when eating pickled foods, especially strong alcohol, because alcohol will damage the gastric mucosa, and harmful substances such as nitrite or nitrosamine in food Is more likely to cause damage to the digestive tract. Well, we must try our best to avoid this kind of diet that many people like, and we cannot give up our healthy white hands to bad eating habits!

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