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Lying in bed watching TV hurts cervical spine most
Lying in bed watching TV hurts cervical spine most
The arrival of the World Cup every year is a festival for the majority of fans. As a spine surgeon, I can’t help but feel a bit worried about it-there may be more patients with cervical sp
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-31
Precautions for preventing cervical spondylosis
Precautions for preventing cervical spondylosis
The treatment method for cervical spondylosis is the same as above. It is through acupuncture, massage, medicine, etc. However, prevention is better than treatment. Careful prevention in da
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-06-21
There are several types of cervical spondylosis
There are several types of cervical spondylosis
The so-called cervical spondylosis is a complex symptom that occurs due to changes in the physiological curvature of the cervical spine, degeneration of intervertebral discs, joints, and ot
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-06-21
Limb numbness prompts
Limb numbness prompts
What causes limb numbness? Limb numbness refers to the stimulation of the limb to the outside world, such as abnormal, weakened or disappeared feelings such as pain, cold and heat. It is th
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-06-21
Does cervical spondylosis need operative numbness and need surgical treatment?
Does cervical spondylosis need operative numbness and need surgical treatment?
Hand anesthesia is more common in nerve root cervical spondylosis, mainly manifested as numbness and weakness in the upper limbs, not simply finger numbness. It should be distinguished and
BY Berton Gladstone 2019-12-10
What is the third lumbar transverse process syndrome
What is the third lumbar transverse process syndrome
Third lumbar transverse process syndrome is one of the diseases manifested by low back pain. It is generally a chronic lumbar disease caused by acute or chronic injury to the tip of the lum
BY Carol Carey 2019-12-10