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Limb numbness prompts

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-06-21

  What causes limb numbness? Limb numbness refers to the stimulation of the limb to the outside world, such as abnormal, weakened or disappeared feelings such as pain, cold and heat. It is the subjective sensation of the patient. Clinically, the following diseases are common:< /p>

   First, overdose or side effects of drugs: the use of certain drugs, such as gentamicin, will cause side effects on the lips and limbs, and care should be taken to avoid overdose. The couple''s consideration last night was due to this reason. Of course, I am not necessarily talking about the gentamicin drug.

   Second, transient cerebral ischemia: This is a common cause of numbness in the elderly. Old people often have high blood pressure, high blood fat, high blood pressure will cause vasospasm, high blood fat will cause arteriosclerosis, plus blood viscosity of the elderly will increase, and blood flow is slow during sleep, these factors will cause transient Cerebral ischemia causes numbness in hands.

   Therefore, the elderly should regularly check blood pressure and blood lipids. If there is high blood pressure or high blood lipids, timely treatment should be performed. Usually drink plenty of water and take some medicines to reduce blood viscosity, prevent thrombosis, improve blood supply to the brain, and numbness in hands will be eliminated.

   III. Cervical spondylosis: Cervical spondylosis is a common disease. It is caused by hyperplasia of the cervical spine, degeneration of the intervertebral disc, or relaxation of local articular ligaments, which causes compression of blood vessels and nerve tissue in the cervical spine. Its symptoms There are many manifestations, and numbness in the hands is one of its symptoms. Suffering from cervical spondylosis, diagnosis can be made by cervical X-rays. The treatment measures include massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy and traction.

   In addition, during normal days, you can often do some aerobic exercises for slow-moving necks, and pay attention to the height of pillows during sleep, generally 7-9 cm high, not too high or too low, The hardness should also be moderate, and the sleeping position should be correct, to avoid compression of local blood vessels and nerve tissues in the cervical spine and hand numbness.

   4. Diabetes: Diabetes can produce a variety of complications. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is one of them. Once such complications occur, there will be symptoms of numbness and sensory abnormalities in the limbs. If you suffer from diabetes, you need to carry out regular and reasonable treatment to control your blood sugar to a normal range, and pay attention to supplementing vitamins B1, B6, and vitamin C. You can also use salvia miltiorrhiza, ligustrazine and other blood circulation and blood stasis drugs to eliminate numbness in the limbs.

   Fifth, peripheral neuritis: peripheral neuropathy It is characterized by numbness of the terminal nerves, just like feeling diminished after wearing gloves or socks. This disease is mostly caused by a lack of vitamin B1, or by drugs and heavy metal poisoning. After proper treatment, it is usually 2-6 months. get well.

  However, if the finger numbness persists for a long time or if the symptoms get worse, you should not be paralyzed, because the elderly have a numbness of the thumb on one side, which is often a sign of stroke and should be referred to the hospital. Blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar, and fundus (it is best to ask a neurologist to check it in detail) to prevent future problems.

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