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Chest pain may also be rickets
Chest pain may also be rickets
Clinical patients often find the doctor very scared to talk about chest pain. After all, the organs located in the chest can''t afford any disease, and they can''t afford it
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01
Rib cartilitis common sense
Rib cartilitis common sense
ribochondritis is one of the common clinical diseases, which brings great pain to patients and also has a big impact on life. Because the site of the disease is in the chest, it is easy to
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01
What is the biggest mistake in the treatment of osteoporosis
What is the biggest mistake in the treatment of osteoporosis
The biggest mistake in the treatment of osteoporosis is that many patients believe that as long as calcium is supplemented, osteoporosis should be improved, at least it should not be furthe
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01
Elaborate on lumbar muscle strain
Elaborate on lumbar muscle strain
"On November 24 last year, when I stooped to pick up the ping pong ball, my waist suddenly felt painful and I could not move at that time. Later, I went to a hospital with integrated C
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01
Charge your bones once a year
Charge your bones once a year
With the rapid improvement of people’s living standards in China, Chinese people are living longer, and the accompanying geriatric diseases are gradually increasing. Due to natural physiolo
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-31
Can bone metastases be cured?
Can bone metastases be cured?
The key to bone metastasis is to find the primary lesion, depending on whether the primary tumor is cured or not, but if most of the tumors have already undergone bone metastasis, the stag
BY Polly Steele 2020-07-24