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Knee joint can also add a little "oil"

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   "Doctor, when I walk, I always feel like something is hard in my knee and I am often stuck"; "Doctor, my knee joint always hurts. I went to many hospitals and let I change joints, what can I do."

  In the orthopedics clinic, there are many elderly people suffering from knee osteoarthropathy, which are often very painful. According to radiographs, you can always see a lot of "bone spurs" in the knee joint, and even many fine pieces of fine bone in the joint. For these patients, the knee joint is very painful when they move, but they can''t eat it, but not moving will affect the whole body condition-blood sugar can''t drop and blood pressure continues to rise.

   "I take a lot of medicines every day, some for heart disease, some for lowering blood sugar, and some for joints, but no, if I eat all my stomach, I have to add stomach medicine... …"This is an old lady with a bitter face telling me about her misfortune. Indeed, many organs of the elderly are aging, and it is inevitable to take medicines. Therefore, reducing the amount of medicines taken by the elderly as much as possible and replacing the treatment with other administration routes are also ways to maintain the quality of life of the elderly.

  Traditional methods for treating osteoarthritis generally include physical therapy, physical exercise, and weight control. Common treatment methods include giving symptomatic relief drugs such as analgesics, blood circulation and stasis medicine. In severe cases, joint cleaning or joint replacement is necessary. Although these therapies will immediately relieve the symptoms, restore the function and improve the quality of life to a certain extent, because the cause of the disease has not been eliminated, the improvement of the function will cause the patient to increase the amount of activity blindly, exacerbating the impact on the cartilage Damage, not only did not delay the progress of the course of disease, but further promoted the deterioration of the course of disease.

  In orthopedics clinic, in recent years, there is a very effective method for treating knee osteoarthropathy-sodium hyaluronate injection method.

  The chemical nature of sodium hyaluronate is a large molecule acidic mucopolysaccharide. As a necessary component of human physiology, sodium hyaluronate is widely present in various tissues of the human body. Including skin, cartilage, ocular vitreous, synovial fluid, etc.

  Exogenous supplementation of sodium hyaluronate can achieve the purpose of treating osteoarthritis by protecting cartilage, lubricating joints, inhibiting inflammation, relieving pain and promoting the secretion of endogenous sodium hyaluronate. In addition to relieving pain, improving function, and improving quality of life, this treatment is the most important thing to relieve the progress of the course of disease, which is beyond the previous treatment.

  This method is mainly used to treat senile osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic arthritis and patellar osteomalacia. Usage is mainly intra-articular injection, the dosage is 2ml each time, once a week, five weeks as a course of treatment. For most patients, two courses of treatment a year are sufficient.

  Human joints are like precision mechanical bearings. After decades of use, aging will occur. Add some "lubricating oil" to the joints to make the joints move more flexibly and move the legs and feet more. strong.

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