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Chest pain may also be rickets

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Clinical patients often find the doctor very scared to talk about chest pain. After all, the organs located in the chest can''t afford any disease, and they can''t afford it. So they often check the electrocardiogram, chest radiograph, myocardial enzymes and so on.

  In fact, there is a very Common disease with chest pain as the main manifestation-costochondritis, especially refers to non-inflammatory swelling pain at the junction of the rib costal cartilage and ribs, the incidence site is common in the 2nd and/or 3rd costal cartilage combined with the sternum It is occasionally seen in the 1st or 4th rib, and is rarely seen in other rib cartilage joints or sternoclavicular joints. Most cases have only one lesion, and multiple cases are often only seen on one side.

   Women''s costal chondritis is often radiated to the breast because of its pain, which is easy to be confused with breast pain, so most of them refer to breast pain. The main points of identification are: if it is a disease of the breast itself, a lump or a string can be felt in the breast, or the skin of the breast is reddened, etc.; and costal osteochondritis is often aggravated by coughing, deep breathing, arm raising, sideways, etc. However, breast pain is not affected by these factors.

  The etiology of costal osteochondrosis is currently unclear. It is generally believed to be related to strain or trauma, and it is more likely to occur in workers with long-term upper arm weight. When people carry heavy objects, sharp twists or chest compressions cause acute damage to the chest and rib articular cartilage, or viral infections caused by chronic strain or upper respiratory tract infection, etc., causing myofibrillar inflammation of the pectoralis major muscle attachment, resulting in Chest rib articular cartilage edema and thickened aseptic inflammation caused the onset.

  In terms of treatment, the disease is a self-limiting disease, so the treatment is mostly symptomatic, and can be given local hot compresses or microwaves, physical therapy; oral non-steroidal analgesic drugs are used to relieve symptoms and restore quality of life. Good curative effect; antiviral drugs can also be given appropriately, such as: Viralin 0.1g, 3 times a day; for patients with severe symptoms, prednisolone acetate can be injected locally for closed treatment.

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