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Charge your bones once a year

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-31

  With the rapid improvement of people’s living standards in China, Chinese people are living longer, and the accompanying geriatric diseases are gradually increasing. Due to natural physiological factors, many elderly people suffer from osteoporosis and osteoporosis Symptoms also often lead to fractures, which seriously affect the quality of life of the elderly.

  It’s natural to see a doctor, Naturally use drug treatment. Although this seemingly unstoppable truth is often disturbed by very few currents, fortunately, the dark clouds cannot cover the sun after all, and truth is truth. But the medical treatment of the elderly is a question asked by a university. When you get older, you often have several diseases. You need to take medicine for high blood pressure, you need to take medicine for a bad heart, you need to take medicine for cough, and finally you need to take stomach medicine. …Now I need medicine to treat osteoporosis…

  According to the author''s experience, many elderly people actually do not pay much attention to the treatment of medicines, they often get better and take less medicine. He became more ill and took medication on time. This is known in medicine as "bad compliance" with medication. This phenomenon exists for the medical treatment of osteoporosis. Many of the elderly people I contacted often felt crisis only when they had a bone mineral density. They went to the doctor to treat osteoporosis. After a period of trouble, they forgot about it. They didn''t think of it until they suffered a fracture. Forgot again...these patients often resisted the doctor’s advice: "Every meal takes so many medicines, meals are free."

  Recently, a bone treatment called Miguida developed by Switzerland A new drug for osteoporosis was born. This drug is amazing: it only needs to be used once a year to treat osteoporosis. And it doesn''t need to be taken orally, but intravenous infusion for half an hour. This is indeed a good thing for osteoporosis patients who are plagued by a lot of drugs. And the results published in the international top medical journal-"New England Medical Journal" showed that the total mortality of fractures due to osteoporosis in patients receiving Miguida treatment was lower than those receiving placebo treatment28&# xFF05;.

  Human bones are actually wonderful, there is bone formation and bone destruction every moment, if there is dynamic balance, there will be no osteoporosis, but if the balance is inclined towards the degree of bone destruction, it will In the event of osteoporosis, the function of Miguida is to keep the bone calcium of the human body from being lost and inhibit bone destruction to a certain extent.

   has the image of a patient that it will be more convenient to treat osteoporosis in the future, which is equivalent to charging the bone once a year.

  Elderly women’s bones have been worn for a lifetime, and they must be “charged” regularly. The bones are equivalent to the supporting structure of the human body, and they can be used more smoothly if they are well maintained. Sending gold and silver, food and clothing, and playing and music are worse than health.

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