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What's the use of drinking when sick

Male  40 years old 2020-05-10
Is there any positive benefit to drinking when you are sick?

2 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Mamie Doris 2020-05-10
    In fact, drinking a small amount of alcohol when you are sick is good for your health, it can enhance the body's immunity and help cure the disease, but you can't drink a lot of alcohol, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.
  • BY Flora Maurice 2020-04-21
    The value of blood HCG is very low and it is not pregnant. It may be caused by other reasons such as gynecological inflammation or hormonal imbalance or cold or excessive tension, or it may be symptoms of menstruation. Observe For a few days, if you haven't come yet, you need to do a gynecological ultrasound to see if there are pelvic fluid problems. Pay attention to personal hygiene, change the personal clothes frequently, and wash underwear and other clothes separately.

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