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Cheats for quickly eliminating sports fatigue

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   Fully understand the impact of exercise on the human body, help us to master how to eliminate fatigue after exercise as soon as possible. There are many people in life who pay great attention to their own exercise, but they often experience extreme fatigue after exercise. So, how should we deal with this phenomenon?

  Relaxation and massage, mainly refers to the shaking of muscles and stretching of the limbs, massage to sports Post-recovery is essential. In the Olympic venues, massage services are provided to athletes, and massage techniques generally follow the principle from the distal end to the proximal end. In addition, do not stop immediately after strenuous exercise, you need to gradually reduce the amount of exercise to facilitate the body to adapt.

   Hot spring is also a good way to relieve fatigue after exercise. If the conditions are limited, you can also use a warm water bath to replace it. The general water temperature should be controlled at 35 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius; in the absence of warm water, it is available Wipe your body with a towel and avoid taking a cold shower immediately after strenuous exercise.

  Replenish water and electrolyte in a timely manner. Replenishing water after exercise should pay attention to skills, and advocate a small number of times, once every 20 minutes, no more than 250 ml each time. Eat more protein, such as lean meat and eggs. Appropriate supplementation of vitamin C and vitamin B is very good for the recovery of muscle cells, and at the same time can promote the recovery of nerve tissue.

  Replenishing carbohydrates early after exercise can promote muscle cell metabolism; alkaline foods, fruits, potassium, and sodium also help to recover after exercise; in addition, various studies have shown that caffeine can reduce exercise Post-tissue response to relieve fatigue; adequate sleep is essential for recovery after exercise. On the day of strenuous exercise, it is recommended to maintain more than 8 hours of sleep.

  Dr. Konan reminded that proper participation in exercise can improve people''s quality of life, but exercise should also be scientific, and avoid blind and vigorous exercise. Especially when engaging in sports that you are not familiar with, you should pay more attention to mastering the essentials and step by step, not to exceed your physical load and avoid injury.

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