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Can heart disease eat crab meat burn pumpkin

Female  45 years old 2020-05-10
I have heart disease. I saw a crab roasted pumpkin on a food show. Want to know if heart disease can eat crab roasted pumpkin?

2 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Mamie Doris 2020-05-10
    Ingredients: dried crabmeat, pure pumpkin, sugar, rice wine, ginger, spring onion, wet flour powder. Method: Put the crab meat into the bowl, add a little soup, put onion and ginger slices, steam in the pot for about 20 minutes; slice the pumpkin, boil it with boiling water, remove it, raise the oil pan, stir the fragrance, add Steamed crab meat, pour the soup in the bowl when steamed crab, add refined salt, sugar, rice wine to taste. Put melon into the pot and cook for 4 to 5 minutes, thicken and serve. Features: Pumpkin and crab meat are used together, with the effect of weight loss and bodybuilding. It is suitable for patients with kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes (endocrinology) and obesity (endocrinology).
  • BY Michael Sam 2020-04-21
    It is recommended to go to the hospital orthopedics for physical examination, which can confirm the diagnosis. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as diclofenac sodium can be used. Based on the information provided by you, the possibility of medial epicondylitis of the humerus is high. You must have enough sleep and rest, pay attention to a balanced diet, you can choose foods with high protein, eat more vegetables and fruits, and improve your own immunity.

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