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Does the joint synovium also produce "hernia"?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  In orthopedics clinics, chronic hip pain is very common. Most of the cases are hip osteoarthritis, hip synovitis, hip sprain, etc. However, for young patients with hip pain, due to different causes, The manifestations of the disease are very different. For example, if people who drink alcoholic beverages frequently suffer from hip pain and radiate to the inside of the thigh, the possibility of femoral head necrosis will increase significantly. For such patients, radiation examination will be performed first; for example, frequent exposure to hormones Although the treated patients may also suffer from necrosis of the femoral head, most of the patients are only hormone-induced transient osteoporosis. In this case, hip pain is not necessary to be too nervous.

  A patient recently asked me questions, This patient is chronic hip pain, and took drugs many times over a three-year period, but the efficacy was always poor. The final MRI examination suggested hip synovial hernia and joint effusion. First of all, there may be patients who are puzzled by the synovial hernia of the hip-knowing inguinal hernia, hiatal hernia, and cerebral hernia, but what is the synovial hernia of the hip? In fact, in the orthopedics clinic, hip synovial hernia is not uncommon, and the performance is different, as follows:

  1 Some hip synovial hernia protrudes outward through the joint capsule, or is relatively independent of the joint capsule and becomes a soft tissue mass; or there is still communication with the joint capsule, which expands and contracts with the change of body position. For this type of extra-articular mass, sometimes the diagnosis is relatively difficult, especially when the site is deep. The main clinical manifestations are the appearance of lumps next to the joints, which are asymptomatic at rest and do not hinder joint movement, but can induce pain and swelling after exercise or work.

  2. Some hip synovial hernias form internal hernias, that is, synovial tissue hyperplasia invades the anterior cortex of the femoral neck, mostly round or irregular, generally less than 1 cm in diameter, and a few can gradually increase. MRI suggests T1 The small round lesions with low signal weighted image and high signal T2 weighted image often erode the upper femoral neck cortex, usually asymptomatic, and are benign lesions.

As for the effusion of the hip joint, in fact, no more attention is needed. After the joint is stimulated, the dynamic balance of the secretion-absorption of the joint fluid is broken, and the joint cavity effusion will occur. It is recommended that if there is a lot of effusion, acupuncture and aspiration can be taken, and the joint effusion should be tested and supplemented with drug treatment, which can alleviate it.

  Dr. Konan recommends that the hip joint is an important weight-bearing joint of the human body, so it needs to be taken care of. The excessive load, accidental trauma and cold stimulation will affect the hip joint, thereby reducing people’s lives. quality. Daily exercise recommends free weight-bearing or light weight exercise, such as swimming, walking, radio gymnastics, etc. If you have hip pain, you must find a specialist doctor to see you in time. MRI can be regarded as a "golden indicator" for diagnosis, which can comprehensively reflect the health of the joint. In terms of treatment, since the conventional analgesics are only used to relieve the pain, it is recommended to use Chinese patent medicine as much as possible, mainly to promote blood circulation, reduce blood stasis, reduce swelling and fight inflammation.

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