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The most toxic parts of meat

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-19

   said that animal offal, such as pig liver, pig intestine, pig heart, pig brain, etc. are nutritious, but also said that toxins are also very strong. Do you want to eat it? Can you eat it? How can you eat it better? The following example uses pork liver because of its high usage rate.

  This problem needs to be considered in several aspects:

  One: From its own nutritional value:

   These animal organs are indeed rich in some nutrients , (Such as pig liver, pig kidney, etc.) is rich in nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B group, vitamin A, trace elements, etc., and the price is generally cheaper (at least cheaper than meat), has a high nutritional cost performance, so it was Once widely recommended by nutrition workers.

  Second: From the threat of body health:

  Internal organs such as pig liver, pig intestine, pig heart, pig brain, etc. contain high cholesterol components. This is related to the fact that 9 out of 10 people in modern medical examinations have high cholesterol and may eat these foods. Animal visceral fat content is relatively high, eating too much is not good for human health, It is easy to cause hyperlipidemia and arteriosclerosis.

  3: From a safety perspective;

  In recent years, with the intensification of environmental pollution, the deterioration of water quality, and the irregular use of pesticides and hormones in the field of aquaculture, animals The safety of internal organs is questioned, Especially the liver and kidneys. Because the liver is a metabolic organ, and the kidney is an excretory organ, it is also the site where toxins are most likely to accumulate.

   Feeding animals now requires the addition of feed. Some of the illegal additives in feed (the most famous, the main and the most common are clenbuterol), antibiotics and hormones and other chemical substances will appear in concentrated In the internal organs (of course there will be in the meat, but it is generally much less than the internal organs). From this, it is not difficult to understand why during the Olympic Games, Beijing will introduce regulations prohibiting the consumption of pork liver in unit canteens. The liver is a metabolic organ. There may be some residual and accumulation of harmful metabolites in the metabolic process. If it is not cleaned thoroughly, it may cause food poisoning. This is the main reason why it is banned.

  Whether to eat at 3 points or not?

   70% support not eating, 30% support eating.

  The reason for not recommending eating is still from the perspective of safety and threat to health. As for nutrients can be obtained through other foods and other parts.

  Recommended to eat is to take into account: some people’s dietary preferences can not deprive them of the freedom to choose food, enjoyment; some do need such food to supplement some nutrients. For example: VA, iron, etc.

How much do you want to eat at one time? 25-50, half two-one or two, or 2-3 mouthfuls, more prone to vitamin A poisoning.

  You can use chicken liver, duck liver, and goose liver instead of pig liver. Less toxin.

   But it is worth saying that animals and plants contain far more toxins than plants. Animals eat plants, and there are animals that not only eat plants but also animals, and some specialize in eating animals. This is the case with biological chains. Therefore, eating less meat and internal organs is also an environmental protection, and it is a reason for more health.

   Reasons why Americans do not eat animal offal:

   such as pig liver, large intestine, chicken heart, tripe. We feel something delicious, they are very scared.

   There is no particular reason. They just feel that the internal organs of animals are very disgusting and can only be discarded and not eaten. Also eat animal meat, be sure to remove the animal''s head.

   must be clean

   liver and kidney are detoxification organs, the possibility of contamination is high, and the toxin content is high, so many people will pay special attention when cleaning and cooking . In fact, the internal organs of other animals such as lungs, belly, intestines, etc., are also often contaminated with various pathogenic microorganisms, which are the main parasitic parts of various parasites. Therefore, special care is required when cleaning and cooking.

  Must be thoroughly cooked

  The cooking of animal offal is best to use long-term high-temperature and high-pressure stewing method to kill parasites, bacteria and eggs to ensure consumption Safety.

  Some of the stir-fried pork livers made by some food stalls are still bloody when they come out. If you eat uncooked animal internal organs, the chance of contracting the disease will greatly increase other internal organs, such as the stomach and intestines. If the internal organs are not cooked thoroughly, it is difficult to kill germs and parasites.

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