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Prepare an autumn diet for you

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-19

  After excessive venting in midsummer, people often lack body fluids in the autumn and feel dry, with varying degrees of throat dryness, nasopharyngeal dryness and other symptoms, and it is easy to cause colds, cough, bronchitis, etc. Disease, so the principle of health care in autumn health care is to prevent dryness.

  Qiuzao is easy to hurt body fluids, so the diet should mainly nourish yin and nourish the lungs. You can eat foods with this effect regularly. Chinese medicines with lungs and phlegm, nourishing yin and nourishing qi can also be supplemented in appropriate amounts, such as ginseng and sand ginseng. , American ginseng, lily, almond, chuanbei, etc., are more effective in relieving autumn dryness.

  Autumn diet tips

  In traditional Chinese medicine theory, autumn belongs to gold and corresponds to the lungs, large intestine and other organs of the human body. The main dietary principle in autumn should be to nourish the lungs and dryness.

  The specific dietary tips are as follows: eat more water-rich and moisturizing ingredients. As the climate begins to cool down and become dry after autumn, you should eat more water-rich and nourishing ingredients. Foods with yin moisturizing effect, such as yam, lotus root, ginkgo, pear, etc.

   A healthy meal stewed with Chuanbei and pears has excellent nourishing yin and moisturizing functions, and it has good effects on those with dry and throat discomfort and coughing.

  Eat more sour

  Fall weather in autumn is easy to make the throat and skin dry and feel uncomfortable, and sour food has the effect of rejuvenating and nourishing yin.

   Therefore, at this time, you can also eat acidic foods such as ebony, hawthorn, etc., to relieve autumn dryness and prevent various diseases caused by autumn dryness. Eat less spicy foods that easily cause fires, which can easily cause fires. Therefore, eat less in dry autumn to maintain skin and respiratory system.

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