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Drink nutritious porridge

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-23

   I felt sultry when I slept last night. It seems that people say "three days, hot waves", and I, a person who is not afraid of heat, obviously feel that it is necessary to prevent heatstroke. What should I eat on a hot day? I think porridge can be served with some side dishes in the evening or morning.

  The nutritionist will introduce you some nutritional porridge.

  Nutritional porridge is made of whole grains, such as corn, millet, sorghum, oats, barley, buckwheat, brown rice and whole wheat, mung beans, red beans, lentils, fava beans, kidney beans, dried peas, etc. Miscellaneous beans (except soybeans).

  What are the benefits of these coarse grains?

   1. Rich in vitamin B family. Taking vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 as an example, if you eat all the food made of white flour, the amount of vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 obtained in one day is only 15% to 25% of the daily requirement; if you eat fine white rice, it is less; and If you eat whole wheat food, you can get 80% to 95% of the daily requirement. The nutrients lost when the grain is grinded are amazing. After fine grinding, more than 70% of the vitamins and minerals in the grain will be lost, and dietary fiber will lose more.

   Second, eating coarse grains helps prevent constipation. Many people do not have bowel movements for a few days because of unreasonable meals, which is very bad. Eating some coarse grains properly every day is the best way to relieve constipation. Because compared with fine grains, the biggest advantage of coarse grains is that they contain more dietary fiber. Not only increases fecal volume, softens feces, stimulates bacterial fermentation in the colon, lowers the levels of total cholesterol and/or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood, and lowers postprandial blood glucose and/or insulin levels. From this, it is not difficult to understand that coarse grains rich in dietary fiber have an important role in preventing and treating constipation, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, fatty liver, diabetes, gallstones, and certain cancers. Coarse grains are one of the most important sources of dietary fiber required by the human body. The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that adults consume 25-30 grams of dietary fiber daily.

  For example, the nutritional porridge series recommended by Nutrition Studio:

  1, red dates and first black hair porridge

   [material]: first Black, red dates, rice, black beans, millet, black rice.

  【Function】: This porridge has the effects of nourishing liver and kidney, benefiting essence and blood, black hair, strengthening spleen and nourishing the stomach. Regular consumption can make the hair black hair bright and rosy.

   2. Runfei cough combination

   Runfei cough combination: black sesame, lotus seeds, Huaishan, almonds, walnuts, buckwheat

  【Effects】Bushenyijing , Runfei cough, phlegm and asthma. Suitable for people with cough and asthma.

  3, Lipi Yichang combination

  Lipi Yichang combination: black rice, Gushi, Huaishan, barley, black sesame, walnut, grape seed powder

  【Efficacy】Replenishing qi and spleen, benefiting bowel and diarrhea. People with diarrhea are more suitable.

  4, Runchang laxative combination

  Runchang laxative combination: oatmeal, Huaishan, buckwheat, brown rice, black sesame, kudzu root

  【effect】run Bowel laxative. Those with constipation, those with a fine and greasy diet, and those with a big belly are more suitable.

  5, Fuzheng disease prevention combination

  Fuzheng disease combination: almond, oat, barley, guoshi, red dates

  【Effects】Yiqi Bufei, Fuzheng Royal disease. People who are prone to catch colds, have poor resistance, and stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time are more suitable.

  6. Children’s nutritional combination

  Children’s nutritional combination: Huaishan, walnuts, black sesame, malt, hawthorn, lotus seeds

  【Effects】Health spleen and stomach, digest Harmony, nourishing the lungs and puzzle. It is suitable for children in the growth and development period, children with partial eclipse, malnutrition, poor constitution and insufficient immunity are more suitable.

  7. Men’s health care combination

  Men’s health care combination: black beans, oatmeal, guoshi, wolfberry, pumpkin seeds, black sesame, black rice

  【effects】tonic Liver and kidney, nourishing the spleen and benefiting qi, black eyes. Suitable for male health care.

  8, slimming combination

   slimming combination: Huaishan, red beans, oats, brown rice, buckwheat, mung beans, black sesame

  【effects】Health Spleen and dampness, and eliminate cellulite, promote metabolism, slimming.

  9. Brain-enriching combination

  Brain-enriching combination: walnuts, black sesame, pumpkin seeds, oats, red beans, black rice

  【Efficacy 】Puzzle and calm the mind, strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the ears, improve memory. Brain workers, students, forgetful people, and people with memory loss are more suitable.

  10, Wufa hair care combination

  Wufa hair care combination: black beans, black rice, black sesame, walnuts, Shouwu, wolfberry

  【Efficacy 】Invigorates the liver and kidneys, nourishes blood and dispels wind, and grows black hair. Yellow hair, premature gray hair, and hair loss are more suitable.

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