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How do people with cold hands and feet eat

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-23

   Yesterday in the subway, I heard a boy say to two girls: Your girls have more cold hands and feet, like cold-blooded animals. My girlfriend sleeps for a long time, especially at night, her feet are still cold, is there a lack of love? 2 girls listened: Poof laughed; we don''t lack love, only in winter. Many people have the problem of cold hands and feet. In the cold winter, it is undoubtedly worse. Facing this situation, is there any good solution?

  Hands and feet cold Chinese medicine said blood loss, Western medicine said blood circulation is not good, nutritionist said iron deficiency. It all makes sense. I will use myself as a case, how do I improve this symptom of cold hands and feet. People with cold hands and feet generally do not dare to eat cold food, and the amount of food to eat is very small. Fear of diarrhea.

   So I like a word when I eat any food: Wen

  The first cup of water to drink in the morning is warm

   temperature is 25-35 degrees The water temperature in the cup is basically the same as the palm temperature. This cup of water is very important. It not only supplements the water lost from last night''s sleep, but also accelerates the intestinal peristalsis and makes it easy for you to use the toilet.

   Drink warm porridge or noodles

   These foods with a lot of moisture can not only replenish the moisture that is lacking in winter dryness, but also get a good one we should add The energy, carbohydrate nutrient, must have breakfast. We can choose some ravioli with soup, noodles, porridge, rice noodles, etc. We can also drink tomato and egg soup, seaweed and egg soup, and the food is hot and warm. The comfort is self-evident.

  Eating warm meat food:

  Lamb meat first: Chinese medicine believes that lamb is warm food, known as "Ginseng for qi, lamb tonic", suitable for fear Fear of cold, thin body, and the elderly who are weak and old can make up for winter. Lamb is rich in high-quality protein, as well as calcium, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and other nutrients. It can add enough calories and vitamins to achieve a "warm-up" effect. Among them, vitamin B2 is an important substance to ensure calorie metabolism. Recommended dosage: 50 to 75 grams per meal is appropriate. Eating and matching: Lamb and certain foods are matched to make soup, which can improve the efficacy. Such as ginseng mutton soup, mutton walnut soup, sea cucumber mutton soup, Cordyceps stewed mutton, etc. Adding walnuts can also remove the smell of succulent.

  You can eat fruits warmly:

  Someone likes to eat bananas, but people with cold hands and feet don’t dare to eat, what should I do?

  I bring The whole skinned bananas are steamed and eaten, the taste is sweet, you can also drink banana meat with porridge and milk.

   There are quite a lot of oranges in winter, but it is also cool to eat, what should I do? Put it on the radiator and it will be warm for a while.

  Milk can also be placed on the radiator and warmed for a while.

  Recommend a recipe for nourishing blood;

  Sanhong soup:

  50g red beans, 20g peanuts, 15 red dates, these three are cooked and eaten Just add a little brown sugar. 2 times a week.

   Chapter 25: Eat bitter vegetables in spring and defeat the fire

  In early spring, temperatures vary widely. Especially in the north, it feels very dry indoors and outdoors. If people are in a dry situation, if they eat improperly, they may have different degrees of respiratory diseases. People feel the most uncomfortable and itchy throat. Coughing, shortness of breath, blistering in the corners of the mouth, and other symptoms of overheating. Today, I will introduce some dishes to elderly friends that can nourish the yin, dryness and defeat the fire.

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dishes with bitter taste can be dispelled by cold food.

   For example

   bitter gourd: bitter gourd has very low calories and high nutritional value. Also has the effect of lowering blood sugar, suitable for elderly people with high blood sugar. The practice is that cold salad is better. After slicing the bitter gourd, boil it for a while, then add a little sesame oil, chicken essence and salt together with the carrots. Carrots can improve the vision of the elderly. The color of this cold dish is red and green. Considering the color combination, nutritional combination, and the cold method, it is much healthier than frying.

   Bitter Ju: Bitter Ju seedlings are very good for elderly friends who love to drink and lose their lives. Some elderly friends also like to drink some high alcohol. This bitter chrysanthemum can protect the liver. Wash directly, then add a little sesame oil and mix with almonds A little salt and chicken appetite are better.

   Lettuce: Cut lettuce into shreds and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 minutes. Refreshing and refreshing, add a little vinegar to eat cold.

   Lotus seed heart: Lotus seed heart is very bitter, but the effect of removing fire is the best. How to eat? It''s not good to drink directly in water, then put a small amount of porridge with rice to drink, acceptable taste.

   Celery: Use a thick-rooted celery stalk and a pitted apple, put them together in a juicer, squeeze a cup of juice every morning, it is a very good for elderly friends with high blood pressure Vegetable juices.

   These bitter vegetables are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, which can be absorbed to the maximum extent in the case of cold salad. Prevent colds and enhance immunity.

  1. Change the imbalance of the five flavors:

  2 Bitter taste can promote appetite: Some elderly friends may experience poor appetite. The bitter taste can stimulate the taste buds of the tongue and activate the taste nerves. It can also stimulate the salivary glands and increase saliva secretion; it can also stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and bile. The combination of these series of functions will increase appetite and digestion, which is beneficial to enhance physical fitness and improve immunity.

  3. Bitter taste can clear heart and brain: Chinese medicine believes that bitter food can relieve heart trouble and heat, and has the effect of clearing the heart, sobering the mind, and making the brain function better.

  4. Bitter taste can release heat and detoxify: Motherland medicine believes that bitter taste is yin and has a catharsis effect. It has the effect of releasing heat and calming the irritability caused by excessive internal heat.

  5 , Bitter taste can promote hematopoietic function: bitter food can keep bacteria in the intestinal tract to maintain a normal balance. This function of inhibiting harmful bacteria and helping beneficial bacteria helps the intestine to function, especially the hematopoietic function of the intestine and bone marrow, and improves the state of anemia.

  6. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer of bitter food: Scientific research has found that bitter food is rich in vitamin B17, which has a powerful ability to kill cancer cells.

   Therefore, bitter foods are in the daily diet, the key is to pay attention to selection and reasonable consumption. It is not advisable to overdose at one time. Excessive bitterness can cause nausea, vomiting, and stomach upset.

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