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What to do if there are more white hairs

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-26

   Some people say that white hair is a symbol of life''s experience, and it has a completely different charm from young people. That being said, if you have gray hair at a young age, whether it’s your personal image or mental state, There will be adverse effects, so I still want to have a black hair. Why are there several white hairs appearing on my head from time to time? How can I return my hair to black and bright?

  1, uneven nutrition intake

  Because busy people, they often hurriedly solve a meal outside, nutritious intake Serious imbalance. In the absence of nutrients, melanocytes cannot produce melanin for hair. It is recommended to eat more fish with high protein content, And foods rich in vitamin E that promotes metabolism. In addition, seaweeds also have a good effect on activating melanocytes.

  2. Insufficient exercise

  Lack of exercise leads to poor blood circulation, which prevents blood from being transported to all corners of the scalp and melanocytes cannot function properly. Let''s get off at the station in front of the unit and take a walk! Go 15 more every day Minutes, rest time, muscles, etc., a small habit can easily have a black hair!

  3, accumulated stress

  When you feel stressed, Muscles will be tense and stiff, and blood vessels will contract, slowing blood delivery. Take a warm bath to relax before going to bed, or watch an interesting movie, and regularly unpleasant mood, Don''t let the pressure overwhelm you.

  4. Insufficiency of qi and blood

  Chinese medicine believes that One of the main reasons for hair turning gray is lack of qi and blood. Hair is an important manifestation of qi and blood in the body. Dark hair, thick, supple, and bright hair represent sufficient qi and blood; while white hair, hair loss, and dry hair are all manifestations of insufficient qi and blood in women. It is recommended to eat red dates, longan, angelica and other foods that can help qi and blood.

   Long-term exposure of the head to ultraviolet light, melanocytes are susceptible to damage, not only the hair becomes frizzy, but the hair color will also fade. Normally you must do a good job of sun protection for your hair. You can wear a hat or hold an umbrella to protect yourself at any time to avoid the damage of ultraviolet rays.

  5. Kidney deficiency

   Chinese medicine believes that the hair is more than blood, and it is published in the kidney, so it is said that the kidney is blooming, but beware of kidneys ( Insomnia, neurasthenia), or insufficiency of congenital endowment, Or thinking about excessive consumption of sperm and blood, or fear of injury to kidney essence, hair will turn white. Therefore, if you want black hair to flutter, you must pay attention to maintaining the kidneys.

  6. Emotional instability

   Emotional changes can easily make the body’s nerves dysfunctional, so the function of melanin secretion will also be impaired, affecting the pigment particles. After synthesis and transportation, a lot of white hair will grow.

  Some young people have a lot of gray hair in a short period of time, which is closely related to severe mental trauma or excessive fatigue such as high work pressure, excessive anxiety, and sadness. Due to negative emotions such as extreme tension and sorrow, It often causes a series of drastic changes in the body, causing severe endocrine disorders and causing gray hair in a short period of time.

  7. Smoking

  Are you a drug addict? The nicotine in cigarettes is the murderer that causes gray hair! After nicotine is inhaled into the body, the blood vessels Constriction causes poor blood flow. In addition, it also promotes the formation of baldness, wrinkles, and dark circles.

  Massage method to make hair black

  1, head acupressure

   vital blood circulation throughout the head, Dredge the air festival. Not only can activate the cells, make the hair get nourishment. It can also relieve any discomfort of the head. For example: headache, dizziness, swelling of the head, dizziness, forgetfulness, confusion, etc.

   After the finger strength is 5~6cm deep, the strength of the fingertips is slightly grasped, and the finger strength is slowly relaxed. The finger strength must be completely relaxed, and then press again, until the pain is no longer painful.

  2. Grab hair

  Follow the angle of the head. After grasping the root of the hair with both hands at the same time, lift your finger slightly upward. After staying for 4 to 5 seconds, slowly relax your finger strength. The finger strength must be completely relaxed, and then start to grasp the hair root again. If you feel pain, it means that there is a blockage in the meridian at this place, until the pain is not painful or the pain is alleviated.

  3. Finger pressure method at Guanyuan point ~ Guanyuan point: 4 finger widths under the navel.

  Four fingers are attached to the abdomen, open the tiger''s mouth, and the thumb is pressed down by the fingertips. After the finger strength is deepened 5~6cm, the strength of the fingertips is slightly "Zigzag" point After a short stay of 7 to 8 seconds, slowly relax your finger strength. The finger strength must be completely relaxed, and then start again, until you feel no pain or pain relief.

  Effective little secret decision: white hair becomes black hair, it is best to use two-pronged approach, on the one hand to clear meridian points. On the other hand, supplemental diet therapy can quickly see the effect.

  Recommended dietary conditioning food: Nine Steamed Nine Tan Sesame Seeds

  Reduced melanin secretion in the hair follicles is the main reason for gray hair, in which the amount of tyrosinase is reduced One of the pathological mechanisms. The study found that the black sesame water extract can promote the expression of tyrosinase, and the amount of melanin synthesis can be increased, so that white hair can become black again. Take two capsules a day to supplement calcium, nourish the kidneys, and black hair.

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