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Therapeutic conditioning method is simple and safe

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-26

   Winter has arrived. With the gradual cooling of the weather, many diseases have begun to increase slowly. For example, colds, coughs, tonsillitis and other diseases are frequent winter diseases. No matter which of these diseases is acquired, although it is not very serious, it will still be very uncomfortable, so it is better to do prevention work as early as possible. There is such a food, although everyone does not eat it often, but it has a great effect on the prevention of these diseases-pumpkin.

  Chinese medicine believes that pumpkins are warm and flavorful Gan is non-toxic, enters the spleen and stomach, can moisturize the lungs and qi, disperse phlegm, remove worms and detoxify, cure cough and asthma, treat lung carbuncle and constipation, and have diuretic and cosmetic effects. Eating pumpkin also has the effect of treating prostate hypertrophy, preventing prostate cancer, preventing and curing arteriosclerosis and gastric mucosal ulcers, treating diabetes and calculus.

   can warm up. According to traditional Chinese medicine, pumpkin is sweet and warm, and has a spleen and stomach meridian effect. The key is that pumpkin has low calories and can promote gastrointestinal motility. It is definitely an essential ingredient for office workers who sit for a long time in winter. Anti-cold squash is very rich in carotene, this substance is a precursor of vitamin A, which will be further converted into vitamin A in the human body.

  Vitamin A can protect the mucosa of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract, and can prevent upper respiratory tract infections. Improving gastrointestinal health Winter is the season for eating pumpkin. Pumpkin can improve gastrointestinal health and has a good therapeutic effect on weak spleen and stomach.

  Since we say that it’s good to eat pumpkins in winter, how should pumpkins be used to achieve the effect of winter health care?

  Relieve gunpowder wounds and soup burns: raw pumpkin ;

  Relieve chronic bronchitis: Pumpkin 500g, brown sugar amount, add boiled clothes; Relieve tonsillitis: Pumpkin 200g, honeysuckle 30g, licorice 6g, decoction twice a day; p>

  Eating pumpkin porridge like this

   Ingredients: rice, millet, pumpkin, water, fried black sesame seeds. (The ratio of rice to millet is about 2:1).


  1. Peel and slice the pumpkin. Put the cleaned millet and rice in the pot, add about 4 bowls of water to boil porridge.

   2. While cooking porridge, place the sliced pumpkin slices in the upper cage and steam for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, let the steamed pumpkin cool and mash into pumpkin puree.

After 3 and 40 minutes, the two rice porridge is basically cooked, and then put the pumpkin puree into the cooked two rice porridge and mix well. Then cook on low heat for about 5 minutes to bring out the pan. Sprinkle some fried black sesame on the porridge to embellish it.

   As the saying goes, "Sickness comes from the mouth", this diet is closely related to our daily life. Of course, not only food, everyone usually pays more attention to the conditioning of the five internal organs. After eating well, the body is also good. So from today on, for the one you love and the one who loves you, pay more attention to your diet.

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