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7 common foods

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

   Many office workers now complain that they are in a sub-healthy state. Irregular work and rest, smoking and drinking, and lack of exercise also make many people''s health worse. In addition to lifestyle, in fact, our diet also plays a very important role in health. Here, we summarize 7 kinds of foods that will grab people''s health. You must eat less!

  Fried food

   crispy and crispy, fried food with good taste has always been a lot of people, especially children Has a good heart. Indeed, foods such as fried chicken, tempura, and chips are particularly appealing, and the bitter taste makes people more relaxed and happy, but fried foods contain more fat, according to the family doctor online report , "Because fried food has a lot of fat and is not easy to digest, it can cause indigestion when eaten frequently. After fullness, chest fullness, even nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc.. People who often eat fried foods, due to lack of vitamins And moisture, easy to get angry, constipation."

  Preserved food

  Like sauerkraut? Like spicy cabbage? Think they are fresh and refreshing? Don''t be fooled by the surface phenomenon. According to Xinhuanet''s report, a large amount of salt is required for preserved food, which will cause the sodium content of such foods to exceed the standard and cause the burden on the kidneys of those who often eat preserved food. In addition, because high concentrations of salt can seriously damage the gastrointestinal tract mucosa, those who often eat preserved foods have a higher incidence of gastrointestinal inflammation and ulcers.

  Processed food

  Similarly, the Xinhuanet report also pointed out some disadvantages of processed foods, such as processed meat: due to the addition of preservatives , Color enhancers and color preservatives, etc., processing meat will increase the burden on the human liver. In addition, ham and other products are mostly high-sodium foods, eating too much can lead to excessive salt intake, causing blood pressure fluctuations.

  Biscuit foods

  Cookies do not look sweet and sweet, the taste is crispy, but they are healthy and unambiguous! Cookies, etc. Most are made from fine flour, too much sugar, artificial colors and spices. Excessive consumption of such foods can cause bloating and even obesity.

  Candied preserved food

  Girls like the sweet and sour plum bayberry, but these foods are not very hygienic, the other is We cannot control the production process, and the quality of the selected fruits cannot be known. The additives and flavors added to it not only make people aging, but also affect the function of liver and kidney.

  Frozen dessert food

   Girls’ other good intentions-ice cream has not been spared. Eating more ice cream will cause weight gain due to more calorie intake. Eating before meals can also affect appetite, and eating after meals can weaken digestion. Moreover, the excessive consumption of food will stimulate the digestive system and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Children should eat less. In addition, ice cream will use additives to improve the appearance and color, and eating more will damage your health.

  Barbecue food

  Summer, this kind of food is the favorite of many men, drink wine and eat meat, and chat with big three and five friends. Favorite. However, although barbecue food is delicious, there are many hidden dangers. The hidden danger of grilling is that one of them is that the meat products may not be cooked and roasted thoroughly, and it is easy to breed bacteria and harmful parasites. The second is that once the meat is scorched, it can never be imported. Because it already contains carcinogens. The aromatic substances contained in meat - aromatic hydrocarbons will become benzopyrene under high temperature and high heat. This kind of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is a highly active carcinogen.

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