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8 kinds of rice, different health effects

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

   Now everyone is paying more and more attention to health and health, many people like to mix some brown rice, black rice, barley and other cereals in their diet, but do you know their nutritional characteristics and health benefits? Let’s come Popularize the knowledge and get a more comprehensive understanding of the edible mix of cereals.

  The most detox glutinous rice< /strong>

   glutinous rice is also called Jiangmi. Because it is sticky and sticky, it is often used to make flavored snacks, which is loved by everyone. Glutinous rice contains nutrients such as protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B2, and a large amount of starch.

  Reminder: Eating glutinous rice in winter can improve the ability to keep out the cold.

  Glutinous rice has the effects of invigorating qi, nourishing the stomach, strengthening the spleen, solidifying the surface and antiperspirant, antidiarrheal, relieving the fetus, detoxifying and treating sores, etc. It can be used for cold stomach pain, stomach and duodenal ulcer , Diabetes, polyuria, Qi deficiency spontaneous sweating, acne carbuncle and other diseases. Gu Wanli also reminded that glutinous rice is not easy to digest and should not be overdose, especially the elderly, children, and those with weak spleen and stomach.

  Most kidney black rice

  black rice is rich in nutrients, containing protein, fat, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other substances, nutrition The value is higher than ordinary rice. It can significantly increase the content of hemoglobin and hemoglobin in the human body, is conducive to the health care of the cardiovascular system, is conducive to the development of children''s bones and brain, and can promote the recovery of maternal and post-illness patients, so it is an ideal health food .

  Black rice has the effects of nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing qi, strengthening the body, appetizing the spleen, nourishing the liver, improving eyesight, nourishing essence and astringent. It is a tonic product for anti-aging beauty and disease prevention. Regular consumption of black rice has a good tonic effect on chronic patients, rehabilitation patients and young children. Since black rice is not easy to cook, it should be soaked overnight before cooking. Infants and elderly patients with weak digestive function are not suitable for consumption.

  The most weight-reducing brown rice

  The so-called brown rice is the "light yellow" that removes the bran shell during the milling process of the bran rice and retains the germ and endothelium Meter". Brown rice contains more protein, fat and vitamins than polished white rice.

The coarse fiber molecules in the rice bran layer contribute to gastrointestinal motility and are effective for gastrointestinal diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids and other gastrointestinal diseases. Brown rice is more nutritious than polished white rice, which can lower cholesterol and reduce the chance of heart attack and stroke. Brown rice is suitable for the general population, but due to its coarse texture and compact texture, it is also time-consuming to cook. It is recommended to soak it in cold water before soaking overnight, then put it in the pressure cooker with the soaking water and cook for more than half an hour.

  Tips: Eating brown rice is especially beneficial for diabetics and obese people.

  Because the starch material is wrapped in coarse fiber tissue, the body’s digestion and absorption speed is slow, so it can control blood sugar well; at the same time, zinc, chromium, manganese, vanadium and other trace elements in brown rice have It is beneficial to increase the sensitivity of insulin, and it is very helpful for people with impaired glucose tolerance. Studies have shown that brown rice has a much lower glycemic index than white rice, and it has a better sense of fullness when eating the same amount, which is conducive to controlling the amount of food and thus helping obese people lose weight.

  The most nutritious japonica rice

  Ordinary rice used for making rice is also known as japonica rice or polished rice, which is translucent oval or oval, and produces rice The rate is high, the expansion of rice grains is small, but the viscosity is large. As a daily edible rice, japonica rice contains essential nutrients such as starch, protein, fat, vitamin B1, niacin, vitamin C, calcium and iron, which can provide the nutrients and calories the human body needs.

  Porridge with japonica rice for health and longevity has a history of 2,000 years in China. The top layer of porridge oil in japonica rice porridge can replenish the fluid and fill the essence, which is beneficial to nourish the yin and kidney essence of the human body. The most suitable for patients, maternal and elderly. Japonica rice has the functions of strengthening the spleen and stomach, invigorating qi, nourishing yin and replenishing qi, removing anxiety and quenching thirst, solidifying bowel and diarrhea, etc. It can be used for diseases such as weak spleen and stomach, polydipsia, malnutrition, post-illness, etc. food.

  The most antidiarrheal sorghum rice

   sorghum rice is the sorghum rice after it is hulled, commonly known as milo, millet, wild rice, wild rice, wild rice, lu Milos are one of the traditional grains in China. It has a variety of edible and medicinal effects.

  Sorghum has the effects of harmonizing the stomach, strengthening the spleen, eliminating accumulation, warming, astringent stomach, and stopping cholera. Sorghum contains tannin, which has the effect of astringent solidification. Patients with chronic diarrhea often eat sorghum rice porridge and have obvious effects, but those with dry stools should eat less or not. Sorghum is not just for direct consumption, but can also be used to make sugar and wine. Sorghum root can also be used as a medicine. It has its specialties for asthma, diuresis and hemostasis. Its stalks can squeeze juice and boil sugar, farmers call it "Sweet stalk".

   In grains, sorghum protein has the lowest lysine content, so the protein quality is also the worst; sorghum has less niacin content than corn, but it can be absorbed by the human body. Therefore, sorghum "Skin disease" rarely occurs in areas where staple food is the staple food.

  The most fat-reducing buckwheat rice

  buckwheat protein is rich in lysine, iron, manganese, zinc and other trace elements are more abundant than ordinary grains. And it is rich in dietary fiber, which is 10 times that of general refined rice. So buckwheat has a very good nutrition and health effect.

  Buckwheat is rich in vitamin E and soluble dietary fiber. It also contains niacin and rutin. Rutin can reduce blood lipids and cholesterol, soften blood vessels, protect eyesight and prevent cerebral blood vessels. It contains niacin to promote the body''s metabolism, enhance detoxification, and also has the effect of dilating small blood vessels and lowering blood cholesterol.

  buckwheat is rich in magnesium, which can promote the dissolution of human fibrin, dilate blood vessels, inhibit the formation of blood clots, have anti-embolism effect, and also help to reduce serum cholesterol.

  The most beautiful barley

  barley is also known as barley rice and tofu rice. Barley has high nutritional value and is known as the "king of the world''s grasses". Coix seed rice is rich in nutrients and contains a variety of amino acid ingredients such as yiren oil, coix seed fat, sterols, amino acids, arginine and vitamin B1, carbohydrates and other nutrients. It has the benefits of hydrating water, spleen and diarrhea, clearing heat and detoxifying. effect.

  Chinese medicine believes that barley is sweet, light, slightly cold, enters the spleen, stomach, and lung meridian, and has a therapeutic and preventive effect on spleen deficiency diarrhea, muscle acid weight, and joint pain embolism.

  Barley is also very effective for beauty. It can smooth the skin, reduce wrinkles, eliminate pigment spots, and have obvious effects on facial acne and rough skin. However, it should be noted that dry stools, insufficient semen, frequent urination, and pregnant women should not eat more.

  The most nutritious stomach millet

   millet is also known as beam rice, corn, millet. It is rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, sugar, vitamin B2, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. Because millet is easily digested and absorbed by the human body, it is called "health rice" by nutrition experts.

  Xiaomi has the effects of strengthening the spleen and invigorating the kidney, invigorating the kidney, clearing the heat, urinating, urinating, and treating polydipsia. It is used to treat spleen and stomach weakness, physical weakness, impaired blood, postpartum deficiency, loss of appetite Good nutritional rehabilitation products. Gu Wanli pointed out that due to the slightly cold sex of millet, those with stagnation of qi and those with weak constitution and cold urine should not eat too much.

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