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Red dates are not eaten casually

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  Red dates have been listed as one of the “Five Fruits” since ancient times, and are also commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Some people say, "Every day you eat jujube, you won''t get old in your life." Red jujube is widely used in daily meals. What is the effect of red jujube and can it be loved by people?

  I am often asked what is the difference between red dates and black dates? There are red dates and black dates. Red dates are scalded with boiling water, and then dried. Black dates are scalded with boiling water, and then roasted until the skin of the dates is shiny, the dates are half-cooked, and the dryness is moderate.

  Medication is generally based on red dates. Although black dates are not as widely used as red dates, they are often used to nourish the kidney and stomach. However, black dates should not be eaten on an empty stomach! Because black dates contain a lot of pectin and tannic acid, these ingredients combined with stomach acid will also form a clump in the stomach. In addition, black dates are cold, and those with poor spleen and stomach should not eat more.

  Who is not suitable for red dates to make up?

  Red dates are contraindicated as a prescription, and some people’s physical or disease factors are not suitable for eating red dates of. For example:

  1. Women who are prone to edema during menstruation

  During menstruation, some women often have swollen eyes or swollen feet. In fact, this is a manifestation of wet weight. It is not suitable for red dates. Jujube has a sweet taste. Eating more can easily produce phlegm and dampness, which can cause water to accumulate in the body and aggravate the symptoms of edema.

   2. Hot women

   belong to hot women, not suitable for taking red dates during menstruation, because it is very likely to cause excessive menstrual blood and harm the health of the body .

  3. Diabetics

  Jujube is rich in sugar, especially red snacks made from snacks, not suitable for diabetic patients.

  4. Exogenous wind and heat

  Excessive eating of fresh red dates is prone to diarrhea and hurts the spleen. Therefore, those who suffer from colds, fever and flatulence caused by exogenous wind and heat , All belong to the crowd who avoid eating fresh red dates.

  Note: If you don’t eat it, you will get half the effort with half the effort

  Although red dates are the best supplement for women, it is generally wise to boil and eat dates, because it will not change the efficacy of the supplement. , Can also avoid diarrhea caused by raw food.

   However, if the method of consumption is improper, the effect is not ideal. So pay more attention. In general, it is wise to boil and eat jujube, because this will not change the effect of Jinbu, but also avoid diarrhea caused by raw eating.

   1. Be sure to chew slowly.

  Red dates are nourishing and well-regulated products, which can be eaten frequently, but avoid excessive consumption. Excessive consumption will cause problems such as excessive stomach acid and bloating. And the jujube skin of red dates is difficult to digest, so you must chew slowly.

   2. Do not eat with cucumbers and radishes

   Turnips contain ascorbic enzymes, and cucumbers contain vitamin-degrading enzymes, both of which may damage vitamins in other foods.

  3. Don’t eat with animal liver

  Animal liver is rich in copper, iron and other elements. Copper and iron ions are easy to oxidize vitamins contained in other foods and lose their effectiveness .

  4. It should not be eaten with vitamin K at the same time

The vitamins in   jujube can decompose and destroy vitamin K and reduce the therapeutic effect.

  5. Taking antipyretic drugs is not edible red dates

  Taking antipyretic drugs while eating foods with high sugar content is easy to form insoluble complexes, reducing the initial absorption rate of drugs. Jujube is a food with high sugar content.

   6. Please drink plenty of water

  The high sugar content of jujube has certain harm to teeth. If you eat too much red dates, but do not drink enough water, it is easy to decay.

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