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12 “standards” for healthy eating

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  Everyone who says to eat everything is often fat, and the one who eats the most is the thin one. It seems how to "eat" but it is a university question that must be studied carefully! In order to be a good eater, the following summary 12 "Gold Standards" for Healthy Eating. If you can reach 7 of these 12 items, you will be up to the standard; if you are below 4, you need to pay attention and correct them in time~

  1, the interval between meals is 4-6 hours

   the interval between meals is too long If it is too short, it will affect the human body. If it is too long, it will cause a high degree of hunger and affect labor and work efficiency. The interval is too short, and the digestive organs will not get proper rest, affecting appetite and digestion. Generally, the time that the mixed food stays in the stomach is about 4-5 hours. Therefore, the interval between the meals is 4-6 hours.

  2. Eat your favorite foods first

  the dishes on the table, there must be something you like and dislike, which one should you eat first ?Expert tips, eat your favorite food first, this will make you emotionally satisfied. A happy mood can produce a feeling of fullness faster and avoid eating too much.

  3. Don’t use the brain immediately after a meal

  After a meal, blood in the body will concentrate to the digestive organs, and the brain is relatively ischemic. At this time, using the brain can cause problems such as mental stress and memory loss, and may also increase the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, be sure to rest for more than half an hour after a meal before entering the working state. Listening to music and taking a walk are good choices.

  4. Breakfast can’t be eaten too late

  As nightlife grows, many people get up late in the morning now, which has caused Many people will have breakfast late. In fact, the best time for breakfast is before 8:30 in the morning. If you eat too late, not only will nutrients not be absorbed, but it will also easily cause gastrointestinal burden and cause gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, you must avoid eating too late for breakfast.

  5. Drink tea half an hour after a meal

  It is not advisable to drink tea immediately after a meal, otherwise it will dilute the gastric juice and affect food digestion. At the same time, the tannic acid in the tea and the protein in the food will produce non-digestible solidified substances, which will increase the burden on the stomach. Drinking tea half an hour after a meal can promote digestion and absorption, and play a role in sterilization and dental care.

  6. Don’t eat cold drinks at night

  After 7 o’clock in the evening, the body’s body fluid metabolism decreases, and eating cold foods, especially cold drinks, is not easy to eliminate Fatigue can also affect sleep.

  7. Eat less dessert after meals

   Dinner has obtained enough sugar, if you eat dessert again, the body will absorb excess glucose and starch . In particular, don''t eat dessert after eating greasy things.

  8. Quiet eating environment

  Studies have shown that as noise increases, subjects’ sensitivity to food’s sweetness and saltiness decreases . Studies have also shown that a noisy eating environment can make people''s sense of taste dull. Experts suggest not to choose restaurants with a noisy environment when eating, with soft music as the background can make people eat more delicious.

  9. Eat fiber food once a day

  The human body ingests excess fat and protein, which interacts with E. coli and becomes harmful spoilage. Fibre can surround them and excrete them. Therefore, it is best to eat a little crude fiber foods every day, such as oats, brown rice, barley, sweet potatoes, corn, etc.

  10. Chewy foods

Depending on the age, some hard foods such as fruits, sugar cane, raw cucumber, etc. can be added appropriately. This is because the harder food has to work hard to chew. When the number of chewing increases or the frequency is accelerated, the blood flow of the brain increases significantly, which activates the cerebral cortex, which plays a role in preventing brain aging and preventing Alzheimer''s disease.

  11. Eat less salt

  The new version of the American Dietary Guidelines recommends that the daily salt intake per person should be reduced to 2300 mg (about one Teaspoon). And those who are over 51 years old and suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, the daily salt intake should be reduced to less than 1500 mg.

  12. Don’t abuse condiments

  Research shows that eating more natural condiments such as cinnamon and fennel will not only cause dry mouth, sore throat, and energy Weakness can easily lead to excessive gastric acid secretion and flatulence. Therefore, do not overuse when cooking food.

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