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What should I do when I wake up in the morning

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  What is the best thing to get up in the morning?

  Therapeutic therapist will tell you:

  First thing: tapping teeth

  叩The tooth is the fourth segment in the "Baduanjin on the bed", and the seventh is the rubbing of the abdomen. Chinese medicine believes that teeth are bones, and the disease of the teeth is caused by spleen and stomach fire fumigation. Therefore, teeth are closely related to the activities of the stomach, intestines, spleen, kidneys, liver and other internal organs, so tapping teeth is a method of solid tooth fitness. The method is to relax your body, lie on your back, chew, and gently tap your teeth 60 to 100 times every morning, but not limited to it (you can also tap gently when you are working or studying), which is good for healthy teeth and strong body. .

  The second thing: rubbing the abdomen

   is conducive to enhancing gastrointestinal function, especially for those with habitual constipation. The method is to relax on the back, first rub the chest and abdomen 80 times to 100 times clockwise from the chest to the umbilicus with the right palm, then rub the chest and abdomen 80 to 100 times counterclockwise with the left palm, and then gradually increase to 200 times. Percussion and abdominal rubbing can be performed simultaneously.

  The third thing: "Drumming" rubbing the nose

   "Drumming" ancient people called "Mingtian Drum", method: sitting position, using both hands Press the palms of your ears tightly. The middle three fingers of your hands, the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger, lightly tap the occipital bone a dozen times. Then, press the palm of your hand against the ear hole and your finger to hold the occipital bone for a few seconds. Then lift it away suddenly, after a while Press the ear and hit the occipital bone as before, and when you hit the drum, you will get the name. Repeat this many times. It can clear the mind and enhance memory. It also has the effect of relaxing blood vessels and lowering blood pressure for patients with hypertension.

  Fourth thing: Drink a glass of water

  After getting up and washing every day, drink a glass of warm water (or honey water, or light salt water) , Can increase blood flow, promote blood circulation, and relax bowel, laxative.

  The fifth thing: take a deep breath

   early in the morning (except for foggy days) to a spacious courtyard or wilderness, first stretch your arms and bend, kick your feet, Move around and take a deep breath for 10-15 minutes. This method not only enhances vital capacity, but also clears the mind and invigorates the spirit. This is especially necessary for people who have difficulty moving and cannot participate in other exercise activities.

  The sixth thing: defecate stools

  Relieving stools regularly and smoothly is vital to human health. Regular bowel movements every day can reduce the retention of food residues in the intestine, thereby avoiding the propagation of harmful bacteria and reducing the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases (severe, such as bowel cancer). But it is best to defecate after breakfast. This is because after breakfast enters the gastrointestinal tract, it can increase the internal pressure of the abdominal cavity, forcing the food debris from the previous day to be discharged more cleanly.

  The seventh thing: looking at the Sifang from the distance

   saying that "green is life" Vision, prevention and treatment of myopia. Method: Stand upright, breathe naturally, look straight ahead with your eyes, try your best to look at the green trees and green mountains in the distance for about 1 to 2 minutes, close your eyes and lower your head for a while, turn your head and look to the left for 1 to 2 minutes (turn your neck without turning) (Waist); after closing your eyes and lowering your head for a while, turning to the right and looking out, this is repeated several times, lasting about 15-20 minutes (a longer time is better).

  Eighth thing: eat good breakfast

   Now many people like to sleep lazily (especially in winter and spring), thinking that it is the best " "Enjoy", when you get up and wash, you will have breakfast before the event, some people fill their stomachs randomly, and some even go out hungry, this is the worst habit. Breakfast should not only be good, but also full to provide the energy the body needs to consume in the morning. If you do not often eat breakfast or eat very little, so sloppy, it will make the body''s blood sugar content insufficient, can cause panic, dizziness, limb weakness, and over time will also cause gastrointestinal diseases, affecting their own health.

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