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"Cabbage" Therapeutic Conditioning

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  Chinese cabbage has a great therapeutic effect. Chinese cabbage is cheap and good. The Chinese cabbage is often used to describe the low price of things. Many people think that cabbage is so cheap and disdain it. Cabbage is a seasonal vegetable in winter. In the past, when there were no vegetables in greenhouses, as one of the few vegetables in winter, cabbage made a great contribution to maintaining people''s health. Although cabbage is cheap, it is delicious and nutritious. It is said that "cabbage is not as good as cabbage".

  Cabbage has the effects of antipyretic and annoying, Tongli gastrointestinal, nourishing the stomach, nourishing and thirst, diuretic and laxative, clearing heat and detoxifying.

  The Empress Dowager Cixi once had a strange disease, with sores on her body, and the doctor was helpless and could not be cured. Later, a doctor from the rivers and lakes went to the party: eating cabbage every day, so the doctor changed the pattern every day to make cabbage. The Empress Dowager Cixi ate it and healed when it opened. The Empress Dowager Cixi was very happy and gave the Chinese cabbage the title of "the first dish in the world", and ordered the chef to cook a cabbage feast to entertain the minister. The entire banquet was made with Chinese cabbage as the main ingredient.

  Although Chinese cabbage is the most popular vegetable, there are also “nobles” in the cabbage family, and “Yutian Baojian” is one of the best. Yutian Baojian cabbage is a traditional and famous vegetable in Yutian County. Because its leaf autumn straight tube is tightly tightened, the top is slightly pointed, and the vegetable body is conical, so it is named "Yutian Baojian" and has the reputation of "Yu Cai"

  Chinese cabbage, although unremarkable, has Very good therapeutic effect, everyone try at home.

   (1) Cabbage soup "1000 grams of cabbage, 50 grams of tofu skin, 10 red dates, add appropriate amount of water, stew soup. It can cure dryness and cough and dry stool.

  (2 ) Fresh boiled vegetable leaves: 200 grams of cabbage leaves, cooked in boiling water. It can treat unpleasant urination, anxiety, thirst, and indigestion embolism.

  (3) Cabbage fried pork: 500 grams of cabbage, Washed and cut into sections, 100 grams of lean meat, fried with cabbage and sliced. It has the functions of gastrointestinal and nourishing blood. This dish is simple and easy to make, suitable for almost everyone to eat, rich in nutrition and delicious.

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