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Cough diet in winter

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

  Cough is a common symptom of pulmonary diseases. The basic pathogenesis of cough is loss of lung function and lung gas. A variety of etiologies, such as external sensation or internal injury, cause lung qi to lose its way to Xuanfa Suppression, which will cause lung qi to reverse and cause coughing.

  Exogenous cough is evil and is The outside evil offended the lungs, which was caused by poor lung qi. Internal injuries and coughs are mostly a combination of evil truth and right deficiency, and the main causes are. "Sputum" and "Fire".

  【Dietary bogey】

  Cough patients should eat a light diet and help reduce phlegm and cough. Those with cold syndromes can use ginger, kale, currant, etc.; those with fever syndromes can use cabbage, chrysanthemum, radish, carrot, bamboo shoot, persimmon, lily, walnut, honey, etc.

   Avoid eating sea food, fatty and spicy foods such as fish, shrimp, fatty meat, chili, pepper, garlic, etc. Dishes should not be too salty, too sweet to eat, and do not drink or smoke.

  【Therapeutic Conditioning Method】

  1, hot cough: symptomatic dry cough, no traces or sputum but sticking into silk, not easy to spit out, throat Itching, dry sore throat, dry lips and nose, dry mouth, or may be slightly cold, body heat and other manifestations. The tongue is red with thin yellow fur, and the veins are small.

  Therapeutics should be used to moisten the lungs and cough, such as autumn pear white lotus root juice: pears, lotus root, etc., chopped, twisted with gauze to take the juice, drink freely. This side has the effect of clearing away heat and relieving cough. In addition, Sydney syrup can also be used.

   2. Phlegm, dampness and lungs: Symptoms include cough, phlegm, white and sticky sputum, chest tightness, epilepsy, vomiting, less food, greasy tongue coating, slippery pulse.

  Dietary therapy should be used to strengthen the spleen, dry and dampen the phlegm, such as orange peel porridge: orange peel 3 grams to 6 grams, decoction to take juice, add 30 grams to 60 grams of rice to cook porridge. Or grind orange peels into fine powder, use 3 grams each time to transfer into thin porridge, and then boil them together. If necessary, add sugar to taste. This side has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, dryness and phlegm.

  3. Yin deficiency and lung dryness: The symptoms are dry cough and no sputum, or the sputum is less and sticky, or the sputum is bloody, the mouth is dry and the throat is dry, the tongue is red and the fur is less, and the pulse is counted.

  Dietary therapy should nourish the yin and moisturize the lungs, such as white fungus lily soup: take 15 grams of white fungus soaked in soft boil, add 10 grams of lily, moderate amount of rock sugar, stew with a small fire for a long time. The combination of white fungus and lily has a better effect of nourishing yin and lungs.

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