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What is the meaning of eating staple food

Male  35 years old 2018-05-02
I heard that eating staple food has a long history, what is the significance of eating staple food?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Ina Barton 2018-05-02
    Speak more deeply. Eating staple foods is an important guarantee for early humans to evolve smoothly. In a long historical period, and in many countries nowadays, human beings depend on the staple food forever. The core metabolic mechanism evolved by the human body (aerobic metabolism of sugar and anaerobic glycolysis) is very suitable for metabolism and consumption of carbohydrates in staple foods. In fact, the mechanism by which the body metabolizes carbohydrates in staple foods is the basis of all energy metabolism, which directly or indirectly affects the metabolism of fats and proteins. On the other hand, eating staple foods is also conducive to saving energy, protecting the environment and protecting the earth.

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