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5 dirtiest habits

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

  1. Do not brush your teeth before going to bed

  Brushing your teeth before going to bed is more important than morning, not only can you remove the oral cavity deposits, but also help to protect your teeth, and also help to sleep safely. 43% admitted that they occasionally forgot to brush their teeth before going to bed. Experts remind that during sleep, the amount of saliva secretion will be greatly reduced, and these saliva is the main force to kill bacteria.

   So, accidentally don’t brush your teeth Or, it may cause oral bacteria to take advantage of it, with the result that the risk of dental caries and periodontal disease is greatly increased. In addition, many studies have confirmed that the bacteria that cause periodontal disease can also cause problems in your heart.

  2. Take a bath with clean water

   come to a warm water bath (35℃-45℃) before going to bed every night to relax the muscles and joints of the whole body , Accelerate blood circulation, help you sleep peacefully. Experts point out that if you take a bath or not, you are better off depending on your sweating. Bacteria that cause body odors live on sweat, especially from the armpits and groin. When there is a lot of sweat, washing with water alone is not clean, which will cause bacteria to stay. The longer the stay, the more "smelly" people will be.

  3. Do not wash your hands in the toilet

  Even children know that you need to wash your hands before and after meals, but have you really washed them? Survey It was shown that only 38% people washed their hands with soap after going to the toilet, and 2% people washed their hands for more than 10 seconds. Experts said that when you wipe the toilet, your hands are very close to the source of E. coli, which may cause bacterial infections. If you don’t use soap, you can’t completely remove the bacteria. Therefore, after using the toilet, be sure to wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer and rinse them with clean water.

  4. Underwear is not changed every day

   underwear must be changed frequently. Microbiologist Dr. Charles Gerba pointed out that when wearing underwear for one day, there will be about 0.1 grams of feces on it. One gram of feces contains 10 million viruses, 1 million bacteria, 1000 parasite cysts and 100 insects. egg. These bacteria will adhere to your hands. If you rub your eyes or even eat things without washing your hands, you will get disease.

  5. Barefoot fitness

  The survey found that 32% people are barefoot fitness, especially in aerobics or Belly dance. Experts suggest that it is best to wear a pair of lightweight shoes. Because the feet will sweat a lot during fitness, the humid environment is most conducive to the growth of bacteria. These bacteria will be left on the floor through the feet of others. When your feet are stepped on, you may be infected with athlete''s foot or plantar warts (a type of plantar warts) ).

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