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During the "Great Aunt" declined 16 kinds of food

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

   Female friends must remember that these foods should not be eaten during menstruation, it will make you feel less well in those days. Of course, there are a lot of foods to be eaten during menstruation. Don''t eat the following.

  1, cheese food : Cheese is the source of dysmenorrhea. Milk, cheese, cream, yeast milk, eggs and other foods will destroy the absorption of magnesium and cause dysmenorrhea.

   2. Caffeine-containing beverages: Caffeine can cause breast tenderness, causing anxiety, irritability, and emotional instability, while consuming vitamin B stored in the body and destroying carbohydrate metabolism.

   3. Chocolate: Chocolate will cause more emotional instability and sugar addiction. In addition to being fat, it will also consume vitamin B in the body.

   4. Alcohol: Alcohol will consume vitamin B and minerals in the body, too much alcohol will destroy the metabolism of carbohydrates and produce too much estrus hormones.

   5. High-fat foods: cattle, pigs and lamb are high-fat foods. Excessive consumption will consume a lot of minerals in the body.

   6. High-sodium foods: High-sodium foods can cause breast pain and edema and breast pain. Foods with high sodium content in life include preserved eggs, plate duck, herring, red sausage, ham, tofu, dried fragrant beans, dried beans, candied fruit, olives, roasted peanuts, canned tomato juice, and canned corn , Canned pickles and other foods.

   7, snail: the snail is very cool and can clear the heat. Avoid cold objects such as snail during menstruation.

  8. Bamboo shoots: Bamboo shoots are cold and contain more crude fiber and insoluble calcium oxalate. Women should avoid eating during menstruation.

   9. Over-salty food: This type of food, such as salted fish, cured meat, etc., excessive consumption will cause menstrual headache, agitation and other symptoms.

  10. Crabs: Crabs are very cold, can clear heat and cool blood, and dissipate stasis. During menstruation, women should avoid eating cold and cold things, especially those suffering from cold dysmenorrhea, should be avoided.

  11. Pears: Avoid eating raw pears during menstruation.

  12. Green tea: Menstrual blood during menstruation contains relatively high hemoglobin, plasma protein and hemoglobin, so women will lose a lot of iron after menstruation, and iron should be supplemented. The tea contains more than 30% tannic acid, which is easy to combine with iron ions in the intestine and produce precipitation. It may absorb the iron ions in the mucous membrane of the bowel; it will make the breasts swell and cause anxiety, irritability and emotional discomfort. It is stable, and at the same time consumes the vitamin B stored in the body, destroying the metabolism of carbohydrates.

  13. Zanthoxylum bungeanum, cloves, pepper: light, smooth, nutrient-rich substances should be eaten during menstruation, and it is not advisable to eat spicy food with strong irritant, so as not to stimulate blood vessel dilation, causing early menstruation and menstrual flow excessive. Foods such as pepper, cloves, and pepper are all used as ingredients. When cooking normally, adding some can make the food taste better. However, women in the menstrual period should not consume these spicy and irritating foods, otherwise it will easily lead to dysmenorrhea and excessive menstrual blood.

  14. Soda: There are many women who like to drink carbonated beverages. During the menstrual period, there will be fatigue and lack of energy. This is a manifestation of iron deficiency. Because beverages such as soft drinks contain phosphates, chemical reactions with iron sanctions in the body make it difficult to absorb iron. In addition, drinking plenty of soda will neutralize the sodium bicarbonate and gastric juice in the soda, reduce the digestibility and sterilization of stomach acid, and affect appetite.

  15. Cold drink: People with cold menstruation should avoid drinking. In short, in terms of menstrual diet, we should avoid eating cold. Traditional medicine believes that blood gets hot and stagnation gets cold. Menstrual period, such as eating cold, one hinders digestion, and the other damages the body''s yang, resulting in internal cold, stagnation of cold, which can make menstrual blood run poorly, resulting in too little menstrual blood, and even dysmenorrhea.

   Even during the scorching summer season, it is not advisable to eat cold drinks during menstruation. The menstrual diet should be cooked and warm food. In winter, you can also eat a little warm food such as lamb, chicken and longan.

  16. Persimmon: Persimmon contains tannic acid, which is easy to combine with iron and hinder the body’s intake of iron in food. Because women lose a lot of blood during menstruation and need to supplement iron, it is not suitable to eat persimmon.

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