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7 kinds of food easily cause bad breath

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

  Did you know? There are many reasons for population odor, but most bad breath is caused by food residue in the mouth. Therefore, our diet in life needs to pay attention to the following seven foods, away from bad breath.

  1, wine: life In the middle, the alcoholic people are always accompanied by a strange smell of alcohol, which is disgusting. This is because alcohol is a diuretic. Drinking too much alcohol will easily lead to a lack of water in the body, preventing saliva from secreting normally, and the substances in saliva can decompose and wash away "odorous bacteria", so if you drink too much, it will inevitably increase bad breath .

  2. Spicy food: such as the spicy food seasonings commonly used in life, such as onions and garlic. These seasonings are accompanied by a pungent odor, which is easy to stay in the mouth after a meal. If you eat too much, these odors can stay Up to 24 hours in your mouth, no matter how hard you brush your teeth.

   3. Mint candy: Many people like to chew mint candy to freshen their breath and eliminate bad breath. As everyone knows, this practice is more harmful than good. Stomatologists said that most mints contain sucrose, which is a "bacterial delicacy". Bacteria will release sulfide during the process of decomposing sugar, which will increase bad breath.

   4. Heavy-taste foods: such as stinky winter melon, stinky tofu, stinky eggs, etc. These foods with stinky characters often have a strong pungent odor, which is the direct cause of bad breath caused by food.

   5. Salty food: such as salted crab, shrimp paste, crab paste, salted fish, etc., after eating, it will bring a salty smell to the population.

  6. Dried fruits: Dried fruits not only contain a lot of sugar to promote the growth of bacteria, but also contain a lot of insoluble dietary fiber, which is more likely to cause the accumulation of sugar in the mouth and between the teeth, resulting in a large amount of accumulation on the enamel surface and around the gums Plaque can cause dental caries and periodontal disease and form bad breath.

  7. High-protein food: Excessive protein intake exceeds the body’s needs, and the body will break it down into carbohydrates for energy. The decomposition process will produce ammonia, that is, the smell of urine, which is excreted from the body through the mouth; while some people cannot fully decompose high protein or some specific proteins in the body, it will produce a smell like rotten fish meat.

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