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Three foods you can't eat in the morning

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

   First, avoid drinking a lot of cold beverages: too much temperature difference will strongly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, causing sudden contractures.

   2. Avoid eating bananas on an empty stomach: In addition to potassium for sleep, bananas also contain a lot of magnesium. If you eat it on an empty stomach, it will suddenly increase the magnesium content in the blood. Magnesium is one of the sensitive elements that affect heart function.

   3. Avoid eating pineapple on an empty stomach: pineapple contains strong enzymes, which can hurt the stomach when eaten on an empty stomach. Its nutrients must be absorbed after eating.

  Tip: Don’t drink vinegar or garlic on an empty stomach in the morning. Drinking vinegar on an empty stomach can cause excessive stomach acid and hurt the stomach; and allicin can cause irritation to the gastric mucosa and intestinal wall, causing stomach cramps. Knowing the taboos of early morning diet, you should act immediately and find a stomach-feeding plan that suits you. Here are a few recommended for everyone to choose.

   1. You should drink a cup or two cups of warm water first when you get up in the morning. After a night’s sleep, you will consume a lot of water and nutrients from urine, skin, and breath. Therefore, after getting up in the morning, a cup of warm water can not only solve the needs of physiological water shortage, but also not stimulate the stomach and intestines. It can also play a role in washing the human organs, thereby improving the organ function and achieving the process of health maintenance.

   2. The amount of various nutrients in the proper breakfast recipes should be supplied by heat energy, and should generally account for about 30% Moreover, the thickness and the meat are properly matched to balance the composition of the eight essential amino acids in the food protein to achieve the effect of nutritional complementation.

  3. Acid and alkali foods should be balanced. Many people are accustomed to eating steamed bread, fried foods, soy milk for breakfast, and some people eat some eggs, meat, milk; although the above foods are rich in carbohydrates and Protein and fat, but all are acidic foods. If acidic foods are excessive in the diet, it is easy to cause the blood to be acidic, causing physiological acid-base disorders in the body, and calcium deficiency can often occur. Therefore, if you can eat alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits, you can achieve dietary acid-base balance and nutrient balance.

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