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Lipid-lowering "medicine" on the table

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

  Apples: Apples are extremely rich in pectin, which can reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and prevent the accumulation of fat. Pectin in apples can also be combined with other cholesterol-lowering substances such as vitamin C, fructose, magnesium, etc. to form new compounds, thereby enhancing the hypolipidemic effect. Some research reports indicate that people who eat 1 to 2 apples a day have a good health effect by lowering their blood cholesterol levels and reducing their cardiovascular health.

  Garlic: British scientist research found that Allicin contained in garlic has antibacterial and antitumor properties, can prevent arteriosclerosis, lower cholesterol and triolein, and lower blood pressure. The experiment found that by dropping a few drops of allicin into the milk, the cholesterol in the milk was lowered by David.

  Ginger: Ginger contains an organic compound similar to salicylic acid. The dilute solution of this substance is a blood diluent and anticoagulant, which can lower blood lipids, lower blood pressure, and prevent thrombosis.

   Kelp: Kelp contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which can remove too much cholesterol attached to the water pipe wall. The content of calcium in kelp is extremely rich, calcium can reduce the body''s absorption of cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

  Eggs: The clinical experiment report of American medical scientists pointed out that the lecithin in egg yolk has the effect of excreting serum cholesterol from the body, and is the "nemesis" of hypertension, arteriosclerosis and senile dementia.

  Cucumber: crisp and delicious, with the effect of clearing heat, quenching thirst and diuresis. The cellulose contained in it can promote the intestinal discharge of food waste residues, thereby reducing the absorption of cholesterol. Cucumber also contains a substance called "propanol diacid", which can inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat in the body, and has the effect of losing weight and adjusting lipid metabolism.

   Eggplant: Contains a variety of vitamins, especially purple eggplant contains more vitamin P, can enhance cell adhesion and improve microvascular elasticity. Medical research shows that eggplant can lower cholesterol and prevent vascular damage caused by hyperlipidemia, and can assist in the treatment of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis and other diseases.

  Mung beans: the best summer heat-clearing product, which has the effect of lowering blood lipids, protecting the heart and preventing and treating coronary heart disease. Animal experiments show that mung beans can effectively reduce serum cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, and significantly reduce coronary atherosclerotic lesions. Clinical practice also proves that the moderate daily consumption of mung beans in patients with hyperlipidemia has a significant cholesterol-lowering effect.

  Mushrooms: It has the functions of digesting, defatting and lowering blood pressure. The cellulose contained in it can promote gastrointestinal motility, prevent constipation, and reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. Shiitake mushrooms also contain nucleic acid substances such as shiitake purine, which can promote the decomposition of cholesterol. Eating shiitake mushrooms can reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides.

  Potato: Nutritional studies have found that eating moderate amounts of sweet potato can prevent lipid deposition in the cardiovascular system, prevent atherosclerosis, reduce subcutaneous fat, and avoid excessive obesity. It should be noted that excessive intake of sweet potatoes can increase the total calories eaten, but it is not conducive to lowering blood lipids.

   Hawthorn: Mainly contains maslinic acid, citric acid, lipolytic acid, vitamin C, flavonoids, carbohydrates, etc. It has the effects of dilating blood vessels, improving microcirculation, lowering blood pressure, promoting cholesterol excretion and lowering blood lipids .

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