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Spring weather is dry, how to nourish the lungs

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

   Lungs are not only located in the highest position of the five internal organs, but also have an extraordinary role. Lungs dominate the air and breathe. The lungs are important respiratory organs of the human body. Through the respiration of the lungs, we can breathe in the natural gas and exhale the turbid gas in the body. It is like the air conditioner of the human body. Promote the generation of body qi, regulate the movement of qi up and down, and thus ensure the normal metabolism of the body.

  Pulmonary lung vitality, but lung division breathing is also a prerequisite for lung primary vitality. Only when lung division breathing function is normal, the lungs can breathe. Through breathing, the lungs inhale the natural qi, and the subtle qi of the water valley transferred by the spleen Yunhua combines in the chest to generate a qi. The qi is operated by the whole body under the action of the lungs. Qi running.

  Lung is also called "delicate", it is a very delicate organ. The lung leaves are delicate, intolerant to cold and heat, and connected to the airway through the mouth and nose. It is easy to be attacked by external evils. The cold, heat, dryness, and humidity in nature are often easy to invade the lungs.

  In the physiology, the lungs are moisturizing, and most afraid of dryness. Therefore, among the six evils, the evils are most likely to hurt the lungs.

  The spring climate is dry, consumes body fluid, and enters the lungs from the nose and mouth first. It is easy to damage the lung, causing dry mouth and nose, loss of appetite, dry cough and less sputum, less phlegm and sticky lung dryness syndrome. Pulmonary dryness affects its breathing function, which directly affects the generation of patriarchal qi.

  So it is necessary to fill the lungs and moisten the lungs

   also needs to be supplemented according to the season and constitution , Sweet almonds, ebony, and other supplements;

  Severe people should eat more fruits or foods with lungs and moisturizing effects, such as sugar cane, pears, loquat, water chestnuts, radishes, etc.;


  In addition, people with signs of lung qi deficiency and lung yin deficiency can use barley kernels, Huai Yam, honey and other supplementary lung qi to nourish with walnut kernels, coriander, lean meat, eggs, milk and other foods Lung Yin.

  Every exercise should eat more foods that nourish yin, nourish the lungs, replenish fluids and regenerate fluids, such as pears, sesame seeds, honey, white fungus, etc. If you sweat more, you can add some light saline to supplement The principle is to use a small amount, multiple times, and slow drinking.

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