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Gu Yu solar terms are prone to which diseases

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  First, the susceptibility to diseases during the valley rain

  The saying goes: "Yushengbaigu." If there is plenty of rain before and after the valley rain, then this year’s grain will grow It is particularly flourishing, and people will usher in a golden autumn with great fruits. However, because it has stepped on the tail of the spring at this time, the temperature rises faster and the rain is rainy, so people often feel uncomfortable and often feel wet and hot, but often at this time, they don’t pay attention to their stomachs. You will feel cold, and you may experience symptoms such as cold, abdominal pain, stomach cold, and diarrhea. If you are a female, you may also suffer from increased leucorrhea.

   Moreover, once the spleen and stomach are weak, the function of the lungs will also be affected (the spleen is weak, so that the spleen and soil will not produce lung gold), people will always cough, dry throat, dry cough, runny nose, phlegm Less color white. It is important to remind you that the last 18 days of spring have the strongest spleen and stomach (in fact, this is the last 18 days of each season).

   However, because the spleen and stomach are weakened when the liver is prosperous (hepatic wood spleen soil), so in the late spring of Guyu, special attention should be paid to the liver and spleen.

  Second, Gu Yu’s food-fed food recipes, seasonal food.

   1. Tremella lily glutinous rice Jinghua honey porridge

   Tremella 20 grams, lily 50 grams, roses 15 grams, glutinous rice 40 grams, Jinghua honey 10 grams.


   1. Wash the white fungus, lily, and rose flower, soak in warm water for 30 minutes, place in the pot, continue to add a sufficient amount of cool white boiling water, and boil for 15 minutes After that, add glutinous rice.

   2. After boiling for 5 minutes on a fire, switch to a simmer for 30 minutes.

   3. When the temperature of the porridge has dropped to about 60℃, add Jinghua honey to make it even.

   Usage: Take a bowl warmly before breakfast and dinner, 7 days for 1 course of treatment.

  Recommended reason: Spring is prone to depression, and one porridge can relieve troubles-Tremella Lily Glutinous Rice Jinghua Honey Porridge Spring was originally a beautiful and full of vitality season, but I found many people because of work and study The pressure is too heavy, the mental burden is too heavy, or the internal impetuousness and other reasons, in this season that originally made people feel comfortable, began to become melancholic and anxious. This kind of depression is actually caused by "liver stagnation and qi stagnation" in Chinese medicine. In other words, liver qi was stagnant. When this inner discomfort is reflected on the body, it is manifested as pain. For example, during this time, many people will have insomnia, dreams, and have no interest in sex, or chest tightness, flank pain, indigestion, dry stools, constipation; many women will also have easy to grow spots on their faces, leucorrhea Excessive symptoms, breast tenderness and other symptoms.

  Efficacy: nourish yin and dispel troubles, nourish the lungs, relieve liver and qi, refresh the spleen and calm the nerves.

   2. Gu Yu is gloomy, don’t let the fire hurt you—Goji berry rose jellyfish rice porridge

   Goji berry 12g, rose flower 12g, jellyfish skin 60g, japonica rice 100g , An appropriate amount of refined salt.

   Method: 1. Wash wolfberry, rose flower, jellyfish skin, put it in a pot, add enough boiled water, boil for 15 minutes, add glutinous rice. 2. After boiling for 5 minutes, use a simmer to cook for 30 minutes.

   3. When the temperature of the porridge drops to about 60℃, add appropriate amount of refined salt and mix well.

   Usage: Take 1 bowl warmly before breakfast and dinner, 7 days as 1 course of treatment.

  Efficacy: relieve liver and qi, clear heat and nourish yin.

  3. Sea cucumber and broad bean fish fillet soup

  Materials: 30 grams of sea cucumber, 90 grams of broad beans, appropriate amount of fish fillet, sugar and vinegar.

   Method: First soak and peel the broad beans, shred the sea cucumbers; put the broad beans, sea cucumbers and fish fillets into the pot, add water and cook until cooked, then add sugar and vinegar and mix well.

   Usage: Take a moderate amount of heat after a meal, once a day.

  Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen, benefit qi, and stop bleeding.

  Note: People who are allergic to fava beans may not take it, or they can change fava beans to black beans, lotus roots, and guoshi etc.

  Recommended reasons: For the elderly, sea cucumber can delay aging; for men, it can aphrodisiac and essence; for women, it can nourish blood and regulate menstruation, beauty and breast enhancement; for children, it Can improve brain and puzzle. Therefore, sea cucumber has always been regarded as a precious tonic. It is the best dietary supplement for all kinds of patients with chronic diseases, pregnant women, and severe patients to recover their vitality after surgery. It can also fight aging and prevent cancer! Broad beans are said to be the same Zhang Qian has brought out the treasures brought back from the Western Regions. It is rich in nutrients and has the effects of nourishing qi, invigorating the spleen and dampness, hemostasis and blood pressure, astringent essence and stopping the belt. It is often used to treat various diseases such as bleeding, edema, and leucorrhea in women.

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