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Good friend for constipation-Luo Han Guo

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

   Recently, on a business trip, I took a train to chat with a few riders in the car. I talked to each other and talked about health issues.

   I made a total of 4 people in soft seats, one was a lady who made meals, one was a naval colonel, one was a professor at Tsinghua University, and I was a little nutritionist.

   The professor whose health is mainly at the top is really overweight, and the navy’s uncle said: Your body type recommends you to drink Luo Han Guo tea, this is good for your weight loss, I It was originally a big belly, and later went to Guilin, Guangxi for a business trip, Fall in love with this ordinary Luo Han Guo. You can drink one or two tea cups for 1-2 days. The main thing is to make your bowel movements smooth. Every time you defecate, it is a normal banana type. I am soaking for 3 days now. I feel that my body is not bad.

   I listened carefully on the side. In fact, many people know that Luo Han Guo is good for the throat, and they don’t know that Luo Han Guo is for weight loss. It is so effective for constipation. The navy leader told everyone about this benefit through practice. Let’s take a look at this good stuff:

  Beautiful legend: According to legend, a Yao farmer from Yongfu County, Guangxi, China He was stung by wild bees accidentally when he was going up the mountain to fight wood. He picked a wild fruit from a vine next to him and bruised it. He stopped the pain. This matter was heard by a rural doctor named Luohan. Repeated research on this kind of wild fruit, used to treat cough and other diseases, the effect is very good. In order to commemorate the Yao doctor, people called this wild fruit Luo Han Guo

  function: clearing away heat and lungs, relieving cough, pharyngitis, and smooth bowel.

  Practical crowd: Singers, lecturers, lecturers, and leaders who talk a lot; those who want to lose weight, those who need to lose weight, have difficult bowel movements, etc.

  Origin: Guangxi, mainly Guangxi, especially Guangxi It is distributed in Yongfu County, Guilin City, Jiangxi and Guangdong.

   Luo Han Guo is rich in vitamin C, cool and sweet, with anti-inflammatory and heat-relieving effects, and it can help the throat and throat. It can also lower blood fat, assist in the treatment of hyperlipidemia, and improve the image of obese people. When cooking, the Luo Han Guo can be smashed, so that the taste will be more intense, and the medicine will more easily penetrate into the soup.

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