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Which milk or goat milk will you choose

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  Many people drink milk every day, but goat’s milk is not expected to drink often. Is there any difference in the nutrition of milk and goat milk?

  In addition to milk on the market, there are goat milk powder for young children, but the number and types are not many.

  Dairy products are one of the best foods for human beings. From the perspective of animal milk alone, there is no difference in principle between milk and goat milk. Both contain high-quality protein and fat, and are rich in mineral content, especially calcium. Due to the high yield of milk, milk is often consumed, and goat milk is rare.

  100g of milk contains 3.4g, 4.0g and 3.4g of protein, fat and carbohydrates respectively, while goat milk contains 1.5g, 3.5g and 5.4g of protein, fat and carbohydrates, It can be seen that the protein of goat milk is lower than that of milk, about half, and the fat and carbohydrate are slightly higher.

  But goat milk also has advantages. First of all, the protein structure of goat milk is different from that of milk. The content of casein in goat milk is lower than that of milk. The proportion of whey protein is higher, which is closer to that of human milk, and the protein particles are smaller. It is easily absorbed by the human body; and the content of allogeneic protein in goat milk is also low. Therefore, people who are allergic to milk and have weak constitution can try goat milk.

  Secondly, the fat particles in goat milk are smaller than milk and easier to absorb.

In general, milk and goat milk have their own advantages. In practical applications, there are many choices of milk, but people with poor digestive function or those who are intolerant to milk can choose goat milk.

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