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Baby food supplement misunderstanding

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

  Like other sciences, scientific feeding of infants and young children is also an area of continuous progress and awareness raising. What might have been considered the right way in the past may now become a "misunderstanding" because of a new understanding or a better way. Therefore, the "misunderstanding" discussed here is not equivalent to serious errors, but is not scientific enough or does not meet the latest guidelines.

  Add supplementary food in 4 months

  World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding within 6 months. In other words, the appropriate time for the baby to start adding supplementary food is at least 6 months. In the past, it was a misunderstanding that domestic food supplements were recommended to be added within 4 months. Of course, in addition to the age of the month, the baby''s weight is twice that at birth, and the 24-hour milk volume is 800~1000 ml, which can also be used as a reference for adding supplementary food.

  The first food supplement with egg yolk

  The iron in egg yolk is difficult to absorb, and egg yolk is one of the ingredients most likely to cause food allergies in babies. Therefore, egg yolk should not be used as an initial food supplement. The first regular food supplement should be baby rice noodles (with iron), which has a high iron content and is not likely to cause allergies. In addition, fruit juice, vegetable juice, etc. can not be added as a regular initial food supplement.

  Eat rice porridge but not baby rice noodles

  Home-made rice porridge is a good food supplement, but it is not a substitute for baby rice noodles, especially supplemented foods In the early stage, baby rice noodles should be used instead of rice porridge; in the later stage, baby rice noodles should also be the main ingredient, supplemented by a small amount of rice porridge. This is because baby rice flour is a nutritious formula food. On the basis of rice, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin B family and other nutrients are added according to the needs of the baby. Higher value, not the same thing as home-made rice porridge!

  Small foods sold in baby shops are baby food supplements

  baby shops, The nursery shop sells a variety of small foods made into the shape of milk beans, small animals, or with children''s patterns, but many are not baby food supplements. Baby food supplement products have special national standards, mainly GB 10769-2010 (infant and child cereal supplementary food) and GB 10770-2010 (infant and child canned supplementary food) two categories. When purchasing, be sure to check the product standard number, only marked with GB 10769-2010 or GB 10770-2010 are authentic food supplements, otherwise they should not be used for infant food supplements.

  Furniture must be soft, rotten, paste, and juice

  When supplementary food is added early, it must be juice or paste to suit the baby’s stomach Intestine. However, as the age of the month grows, it should gradually transition to softer solids (such as boiled vegetables) and hard solid foods (such as fruits, biscuits, etc.), which helps to exercise the baby''s chewing ability, gastrointestinal digestion ability, etc. If you insist on softness, rottenness, paste, and juice, the child will eat less effort, but it will make the baby''s chewing and digestive ability lag behind, and he will be unable to accept solid food, which will affect the intake of nutrients. I encountered many such situations in the consultation. The baby is 2 years old and can only eat rice porridge and fruit puree, but not pure solid food such as rice and apple pieces.

  Eat a lot of fruit

  Many parents mistakenly think that fruit has extremely high nutritional value, and the baby loves to eat sweet and sour, so give the baby a lot every day Fruits, bananas and apples. In fact, the baby doesn''t need so many fruits at all, and the baby''s stomach capacity is very limited. Eating more fruits is bound to affect the intake of other foods. In fact, when you are one year old, 25 to 50 grams of vegetables and fruits per day is sufficient. What is the concept of 50 grams (1 two)? It is about one-third of a banana and one-fifth of a big apple.

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