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Three questions about being vegetarian

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

  1. Is vegetarian food healthier?

  In the world, the widely accepted view is that diverse foods are the healthiest. Variety means that the recipe includes both plant foods (such as grains, beans, nuts, vegetables and fruits) and animal foods (such as fish, meat, eggs, milk). Of course, we will see that in extreme cases, humans can survive for a long time with one or two kinds of food; in many underdeveloped countries and regions, humans can be passed on from generation to generation and endlessly with little or no animal food; in many Among the vegans who pay attention to collocation, the prevalence of obesity, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and other chronic diseases is lower than that of the general population. But the key to a healthy diet is still a variety of food combinations, not vegetarianism. There is no reason to deny a balanced diet of meat and vegetables, and instead recommend a pure vegetarian diet.

  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a vegetarian?

  Vegetarian food because no longer consume all animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, etc. It reduces the health hazards of unfavorable factors such as saturated fat, cholesterol, and certain food safety risks, and thus obtains health benefits. The most prominent manifestation is the reduction of obesity and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases related to saturated fat and cholesterol. Of course, whether a vegan can get these benefits depends on many factors such as total energy intake, food safety risks associated with plant foods, and physical activity.

  However, because all animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs, and milk are not ingested, vegans are at high risk of nutritional deficiencies, and iron deficiency anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency anemia are common , Zinc deficiency, protein malnutrition, etc. The level of these risks depends on the recipes of vegans, as well as age, gender, physiological status, and labor intensity. Not paying attention to recipe matching (such as lack of soybeans and nuts) and its large nutritional requirements (such as manual labor, pregnancy, disease, etc.) will place vegetarians at high risk of nutritional deficiencies.

   In short, the benefits of vegan food are not innate, but combined. The idea that you only need to avoid animal foods such as fish, eggs and milk to automatically obtain health benefits is unfounded and religious. Of course, on the other hand, the harm of vegan food is also caused by improper collocation, especially the lack of targeted measures in the recipe to make up for the lack of certain nutrients caused by the lack of animal food. After all, whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian, the health benefits can only be obtained from the combination. Without a reasonable mix, vegan or non-vegetarian food is not good.

  3. How should diet be reasonable?

  rational coordination is the core of a healthy diet. Both the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" (Ministry of Health of China) and the "Dietary Guidelines for American Residents" (US Department of Agriculture) are emphasizing the concept of diversified and reasonable collocation, and each gives a roughly reasonable recommendation ratio, available for For your reference.

  Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2007 edition) uses an image pagoda (pictured) to recommend the average daily intake of various foods. The American Resident''s Dietary Guidelines (2010 edition) uses a more vivid dinner plate (pictured) to recommend the approximate proportion of various foods per day. In addition, both guidelines emphasize the importance of maintaining an appropriate weight. Another key to eating and drinking is to maintain normal weight, not fat or thin. In general, a reasonable weight reflects the basic balance between dietary energy intake and physical activity consumption.

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