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Exercise is more important than diet

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

   is increasingly aware of the importance of diet and nutrition. Almost all TV, newspapers, magazines, radio and websites have diet, nutrition or health programs, and there are many fans. As a nutritionist working in this industry, of course, I am also happy to see this situation. However, I would like to remind everyone that exercise is more important than diet nutrition! Instead of eating healthy, exercise is better.

  I found in the consultation that there are many young people (especially women) who are enthusiastic about vitamin supplementation and anti-aging, eat aloe capsules to lose weight, take collagen beauty, eat black chicken Baifeng pills to nourish the face, stew soup Replenishing qi and blood... However, they never exercise! They insist on a meditation lifestyle and cannot do without junk food. This is really the end of the game! Sports exercise is undoubtedly the first important decisive factor for health, good body is exercised!

  Practice shows that humans have a very wide tolerance for recipes, you observe Africans, Europeans, West Asians, and our own recipes will find that people can get health through almost completely different foods. To be more professional, the energy supply ratio of protein in the diet structure from 10% to 35%, the energy supply ratio of fat is less than 35%, and the energy supply ratio of carbohydrates from 45% to 65% are tolerable-not against health Principles of diet. In other words, it may not matter if you have more meat, more food, or more food, as long as you can ensure the balance between exercise (energy consumption) and diet (energy intake).

  Most people do not develop good exercise habits, and many people never even exercise. Since they walked out of campus, they have never run! (or other sports). Many of them try to maintain body shape and health through nutrition, healthy food, beauty and skin care products, etc. Some people diet to eat less to adapt to a still life style and maintain a balanced weight. Although this helps avoid obesity and the chronic diseases caused by obesity, it does not help improve the functions of the body, especially the functions of the heart, lungs, bones, skin, and immune organs, and cannot achieve real health.

   A small number of people can maintain a large amount of exercise and exercise regularly. They almost don''t diet, they eat whatever they want, avoid weight gain through exercise consumption, and achieve a balance between exercise (energy consumption) and diet (energy intake). This high-flow (eat more and more active) lifestyle is undoubtedly healthier, not only helps avoid obesity and chronic diseases caused by obesity, but also comprehensively improves physical fitness, that is, the function of various important organs. Studies have shown that under the premise of high exercise volume, the principle of dietary collocation can be more relaxed, that is, the appropriate ratio of the three major nutrients can be relaxed. In simple terms, it is "anything you can eat" (of course, to a certain extent, no one can Don''t lift the bar with me).

  Many women are particularly concerned about their body shape, but they don’t understand that it is impossible to eat a good body by eating alone. No matter whether you eat ordinary food or high-end supplements, they are all white! Where does a good body come from? ? First, it depends on heredity, which is pure luck; second, it depends on exercise, especially targeted exercise. Depending on diet or health products, you can only eat fat or lean, and it is impossible to eat a good figure. It''s fat and bloated. Needless to say, it''s as thin and slack as bad. With the right weight and the right appearance, it''s not a good figure. Don''t deceive yourself, without exercise, I guarantee you don''t have a good figure.

In summary, for women (of course boys need exercise more), health comes from exercise. If you really care about your health, really care about your figure, hurry to exercise! The easiest way is to walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day; the ideal is 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (such as running, swimming , Aerobics, balls, etc.), plus strength training 2 or 3 times a week (dumbbells, equipment, etc.). Another point is very important. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the more you exercise, the greater the health benefits! (Don’t discuss excessive exercise to lift the bar with me)

  In daily life , The excuse that people often use to refuse exercise (exercise):

   1. Life lies in stillness, you see the longest life of turtles [Truth: Humans are not turtles, you are nothing but the life of turtles]< /p>

   2. No time to exercise [Truth: Exercise does not even require special time, you can exercise anytime, anywhere, such as walking, climbing stairs, housework, office activities]

   3. Outdoor air It''s not good to exercise 【True: The air in your house also comes in from the outside, you breathe the same air regardless of whether you exercise or not】

   4. Exercise damages the joints 【Truth: As long as you don’t ventilate, pay attention Ways and methods, and step by step, joint damage can be completely avoided]

  5. Exercise will make the legs thicker. [Truth: You see those long-distance or long-distance athletes in the Olympic Games, which one is big thick legs? Do they never exercise?]

   6. Can’t exercise after getting sick [Truth: Most chronic diseases require exercise treatment! Only a few acute diseases or diseases that doctors don’t allow exercise are exceptions].

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