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The health significance of weighing regularly

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

  In terms of nutrition and health, weight is a very important indicator, but most people do not care about weight. Although many young people are concerned about weight, they are mainly for "beauty" rather than health, and often fall into the health misunderstanding of thinness as beauty. Given that weight is important for managing your own health, I recommend that every family always have a weight scale.

   1. Body weight is an objective indicator that reflects whether the dietary intake (energy intake) is appropriate. A fat man (MBI reaches 24), don’t tell me that you eat too little, you must be eating too much-beyond your own energy expenditure (physical activity, basal metabolism, etc.); a thin man (BMI less than 18.5), don’t Tell me you eat a lot, you must be eating too little-fail to meet your own energy expenditure.

   2. Weight change (increased or decreased) reflects the recent balance between diet and exercise. If you find yourself gaining a few pounds in the last 2 months, it is most likely that you have eaten too much (relative to your exercise) or too little exercise (relative to your diet) this month; otherwise, if you have recently In 2 months, if you find that you have lost a few pounds of weight, then it is most likely (not 100%) that you have eaten too little (relative to your physical activity) or too much physical activity (relative to your diet) in these 2 months ); If you find that you have not gained or lost weight in the past 2 months, it means that during this time, your diet (energy intake) and exercise (energy expenditure) have achieved a balance. For the vast majority of ordinary adults, the most important thing to care about is not what they have eaten, or even how much they have eaten, but whether the body weight is suitable, or the weight remains stable.

   3. Obvious weight loss is often a manifestation of disease. If you do not take extreme weight-loss measures such as dieting and hunger, if you find that your weight has dropped significantly, or you have progressively decreased, you must be alert to the possibility of certain diseases and see a doctor in time. Among them, hyperthyroidism is the most common. The basal metabolism is increased during hyperthyroidism, and the energy consumption is greatly increased resulting in weight loss. Certain cancers have similar manifestations. Sometimes diabetes can also cause rapid weight loss.

   4. Rapid weight gain may also be a manifestation of the disease. If there is no overeating, overeating, or a large increase in food intake, if you find yourself gaining weight rapidly, you should pay attention to whether your body has edema. Edema is a common problem among middle-aged and elderly people, with many causes. Obvious edema can be judged by pressing on the ankle or the front of the shin. Sometimes doing body composition analysis (many physical examination centers have this body composition analyzer) can also find edema. There is also a kind of edema that is not easy to be found is more common, that is, "mucoid edema" caused by hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism), even if the body composition is tested, it is difficult to find. This edema water is mixed with mucus and distributed in the subcutaneous and other tissues, and is often mistaken by the body composition analyzer as muscle.

   5. Weight (and of course height) is an objective indicator to measure children’s growth and development and feeding (nutrition) status. Infants, preschool children, and even school-age children or adolescents, the basal metabolic rate and physical activity are often very different. Children who are more active or crying consume more energy, which is about 3. 4 times! This means that the former needs to eat more food or nutrition. Therefore, to measure how well a child is fed or nourished, how much food to eat is not the key, the key is whether the weight and weight increase is normal. For this reason, a common method used by the academic community to monitor the growth and nutritional status of infants, children and children is the "standard curve chart".

   6. Maintaining normal weight gain is the key to guiding pregnant women’s diet. Pregnant women eat too little, lack of nutrition will damage fetal development; pregnant women eat too much, excess energy, prone to diabetes, high blood pressure and damage fetal health. So, how can pregnant women eat less and more? The answer is not to look at the dinner plate, but also to see whether the weight gain of pregnant women is normal. Not only depends on the total weight gain during pregnancy, but also on the rate of weight gain every 2 weeks or monthly.

   7. Guiding the diabetes diet should also pay attention to weight control. One of the key points of diabetes diet control is to control energy intake. Blood sugar level often reflects the diet (energy) intake of the day, and body weight can reflect the long-term diet (energy) intake. How to control the energy intake of a diabetic patient''s diet is to make his weight tend to be normal. This includes three situations. One is that the obese people lose weight; the other is the weight loss of the thin people; the third is that the people who are not fat or thin maintain the status quo .

   8. Dietary guidance for cancer patients should also maintain weight as the goal. Maintaining a suitable weight, or slowing down the rate of weight loss of patients as much as possible, can help prolong the survival of cancer patients.

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