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Jujube is not good for anemia

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

   In order to avoid some people from drooling, it is necessary to clarify a few basic concepts. Anyone who ignores these five basic concepts and stirs up the bad guys will pull black (if they can pull black).

   1. Blood: Refers to the red liquid flowing in the blood vessels of each of our living people, its function is to transport oxygen and nutrients (human body, in addition to these two, I don’t think it needs anything else or And something else). In the blood, hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen, which is a large protein that uses iron as a key raw material.

   2. Anemia: refers to insufficient hemoglobin concentration. This first leads to insufficient oxygen transport, reducing the metabolic capacity of various cells throughout the body, and then various anemia symptoms such as fatigue, weak immunity, lack of energy, dizziness, paleness, chills and cold...

   3. Iron deficiency anemia: Most of the anemia is iron deficiency anemia, that is, iron deficiency causes insufficient hemoglobin synthesis. Insufficient synthesis of hemoglobin due to protein deficiency or other deficiency is extremely rare. However, the causes of iron deficiency are more complex. Common bleeding disorders (such as gastric ulcers, uterine fibroids, nephritis) and dietary iron deficiency (such as insufficient intake of meat, fish, and shrimp) are common.

   4. Treatment of iron-deficiency anemia: It is necessary to target primary diseases such as ulcers, nephritis, uterine fibroids, etc., and iron supplementation. (When the anemia is heavier) iron supplements can be passed through iron drugs, (when the anemia is lighter) can also be through food, of course, two-pronged approach is more preferable.

   5. Jujube: This refers to the commonly used dry jujube (red jujube) instead of fresh jujube. The most significant difference between the two is that fresh jujube is rich in vitamin C (243mg/100g), while dry jujube contains very little VC (7mg/100g). It is known that VC has a good effect of promoting iron absorption, so fresh jujube theoretically (no actual evidence has been seen) can promote iron absorption in other foods, while dry jujube theoretically (no actual evidence) cannot promote iron absorption. Whether fresh or dried dates, nutrition is good, but it has nothing to do with the topic we want to discuss.

  If anemia is corrected by jujube, how much will it take? This can actually be calculated.

  Assuming that an anemia person has a hemoglobin concentration of 100 g/L, it is planned to increase to 110 g/L. Human blood is estimated at 4.5 liters, so he needs to synthesize a total of 4.5×(110-100)=45 grams of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin contains 0.34% iron, so he needs to add iron 45×0.34%=0.153 g=153 mg. The dried jujube contains 2.3 mg/100 g of iron and the absorption rate is 5%, so he needs to eat jujube 153÷2.3×100÷5%=133043 g=133 kg (kg). Increasing the concentration of hemoglobin by 10 g/L requires 133 kg of jujube, which shows that jujube cannot supplement iron and blood.

   As a comparison, let''s calculate how much pork liver we need to eat if we use pork liver to correct anemia. Fresh pork liver contains 22.6 mg/100 g of iron and the iron absorption rate is 22%. Need to eat pork liver 4.5 × (110-100) × 0.34% × 1000 ÷ 22.6 × 100 ÷ 22% ÷ 1000 = 3 (kg). The weight of fresh pork liver will shrink after cooking. This shows that it is feasible to supplement iron and blood with pig liver. In addition to pig liver, other animal livers, blood, lean meat, etc. are effective foods for iron and blood. They are rich in iron and have a high iron absorption rate. They also promote iron absorption in other foods.

  If iron supplements (ferrous sulfate, 60 mg of iron per tablet, 5% absorption rate) are used to supplement iron, approximately 51 tablets are required.

In summary, it is in vain to eat jujube for people with iron deficiency anemia, and it is wrong to use jujube to treat anemia.

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